A high school student from Bojongsoang, West Java had to breathe his last after being bitten by his own King Kobra snake. Quoted brilio.net from Nindi Sari's Facebook account on Thursday (14/12), appeared in a photograph that the victim named Syahrir was 'mingling' with the venomous reptiles as well as the photo after he was bitten by his pet snake King Kobra.
Innalilahiwainalilahirojiun, the victim of king cobra malignancy, "wrote Nindi Sari in the description of the photo he uploaded.
From viral uploads in social media, Syahrir was known to upload status through his personal WhatsApp and describes how the struggle between life and death with the snap photo of the deadliest snake bites.
On the incident, Syahrir was immediately evacuated and given first aid at the hospital. But unfortunately, his life has not been saved and he died in the hospital.
As we know, the identified serpent has a distinctive hood around the neck that is capable of killing humans with a neurotoxic bite. These toxins attack the nervous system that triggers pain, blurred vision, vertigo, drowsiness, and paralysis. Coma and death will usually follow due to cardiovascular and respiratory system failure. So do not get close to poisonous snakes like cobras, especially if you do not have much experience or knowledge.