Elegant blue dragonfly

in animals •  6 years ago 

In order to see such beauties, it is worth going far away along the river to the outskirts of the city, where the banks are overgrown with grass. At first I did not know that these were dragonflies. I used to think it was a butterfly. When their wings are opened, they are very beautiful.

No matter how hard I tried to catch the moment and take a picture of a dragonfly with open wings, this did not happen.

One has only to point the lens at the dragonfly, as it immediately folds its wings.

I have waited a long time, but in vain. One had only to withdraw the lens, as soon as the wings opened. As if the dragonfly understood. Only two times - the photo on the screen saver and below - I managed to photograph the wings of the dragonfly in motion.Beautiful, of course, but not at all when the wings are fully opened. It's so beautiful!

I don't have a photo of the same dragonfly here. At that time there were three of them flying around with me.

Dragonflies fluttered from a blade of grass on a blade of grass, circled near me, but I did not hear them chirp. Perhaps drowned out the singing of birds.

Well, is the truth the blue dragonfly an elegant?

She has such beautiful eyes! Blue dragonfly is also called azure. If you see this beauty, then you should stop, admire.

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Oh my goodness, I had no idea dragonflies could come in that azure color - one of my favorites! Here, the dragonflies tend to just be brown or grey. Thanks so much for sharing :)

When I first saw, I was also impressed by the beauty of such dragonflies.

I have seen exactly the same on my walk today, but it was too fast for me ... or I was too slow 😉
Beautiful dragonfly @galca 😊

Yes, they are so fast these dragonflies, I barely caught, @johannpiber.

You are lucky, @galca, my dragonfly flew past me, then over a meadow, and then she was out of sight ... I was too lazy to run after it, because I might see it next time when I'm there :)