Two days ago, I talked about the surprising phone call I have received from a friend I hadn't heard from in a while. Last time we saw each other was when he came to visit and spent a week here in Montreal. That was in 2013, and the year before, it was me who went to see him in his hometown. It was the first and only time I ever set foot in Val-d'Or, and the whole region of Abitibi-Témiscamingue. Not only did he brang me on a tour of Val-d'Or, but I also ended up seeing the beautiful town of Amos.
Today, it's me who wants to take you on a trip of photographies I took in Amos in 2012. Those were taken at the Refuge Pageau, a place where shelter is given to injured wild animals with goal in mind to bring them back on their feet and to their natural milieu. Sometimes it's impossible to send the animal back in the wild, so the refuge provides it with long term accomodation. Having become used to the human presence and caregiving, the tamed occupant wouldn't be safe in the natural world.
Still, each year, about 150 animals are set free. Others have found a new home and will help in educating the public on the importance of the boreal forest's inhabitants conservation.
Without further due, let's meet those charming tenants.
The Owls
The Birds of Prey
Other Birds
The Quadrupeds
The Stars
I'm going to leave you with poorly taken pictures of highly interesting creatures.