Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Now let's help some animals in need

in animals •  4 years ago 

We had a reasonably successful fundraising drive in December that once again, would have been much much better if tourism hadn't been shut down in Thailand. Our fundraisers are normally quite huge during this time of year but we have seen an 80% drop since most of our donations come from tourists that are visiting the region and get to see with their own eyes exactly how dire the situation is.


At the moment our kennels are at full capacity and we have sadly had to deny any calls to take on any more boarders. We are well beyond critical mass already and many of the dogs are simply sleeping outside under an awning in our fenced in yard. This might not seem like much but in this situation at least they are looked after and get something to eat. We are also far enough from other residences that we don't get a lot of complaints about the constant doggy noise.

I had mentioned before that there is a movement in Phuket that is kind of spreading to Thailand to move "beach dogs" away from the beach after a 7 year old was attacked by one of the dogs there. This is an idiotic attempt on the part of the government because you can't just tell dogs that they aren't allowed somewhere and I would imagine that this will eventually lead to the government instead culling the dogs, which is technically illegal in this Buddhist country.

Ourselves, the Lanta Animal Welfare group, and the much larger and influential Soi Dog Foundation have urged the government to back down on this as we feel they are simply doing it for public relations purposes in an effort to salvage tourism - which isn't really an issue at the moment since no one is allowed into the country anyway.


So if you are one of those people that makes New Year's Resolutions that nobody ever really sticks to maybe this time instead just make a donation of money or your time to a humane society or dog shelter in your community. Especially if you are in the Western world, you are almost certainly not very far away from an animal rescue operation similar to our own.

I realize it is unrealistic to ask anyone to donate to us because there aren't very many people on here from Thailand and no, this is not me begging for a handout. I would much rather you make an impact in your own communities and even though you might not be aware of it because your country has an animal control department, there certainly IS a problem basically worldwide.

This sort of New Year Resolution is very easy to stick to and it may surprise you how rewarding it is to see that you are helping a poor creature that is significantly less fortunate than you are.

Even if you can't do anything, those of us at Krabi Animal Welfare want to wish everyone a happy 2021. Hopefully things can improve for all of us, including stray dogs and cats, in the not-too-distant future.

If you would like to see how you can help out or simply spread the word, please visit our website at


Krabi Animal Welfare is a charity run entirely by volunteers and are a registered non-profit organization in Thailand and the U.K.. We aim to relieve the pain and suffering of dogs and cats within Krabi Province.


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Thanks for that. This is just one of many places on social media that we are involved but yeah, it would be nice to have better exposure and I am sure every foundation feels this way.

That's awesome that you helped out Soi Dog Foundation: They are an inspiration to all of us smaller operations in this country.

Thanks for your kind words, it is nice to get a comment here and there :)
