There is Gold on SIM Card / Ada emas di SIM Card

in animals •  8 years ago  (edited)

Many do not know, it turns out in the material SIM card (SIM card) there is gold.
Even on the SIM (Subscriber Identity Module) card on this phone contains a very thin layer of gold. Why should there be gold? Because gold proved able to channel electronic currents better than copper. So if you manage to collect a million SIM cards that you use yourself, then you can expect to get 1,000 grams or one kilogram of pure gold.

Banyak yang belum tau, ternyata di bahan Kartu-kartu SIM (SIM card) terkandung emas. Bahkan di dalam kartu SIM (Subscriber Identity Module) pada ponsel mengandung lapisan emas yang sangat tipis. Kenapa harus ada emas? Karena emas terbukti mampu menyalurkan arus elektronik lebih baik dibandingkan tembaga. Jadi jika berhasil mengumpulkan satu juta SIM card bekas saja, maka Anda bisa berharap mendapatkan 1.000 gram atau satu kilogram emas murni.

                       Terima Kasih/Thank You


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Most people would be really surprised how much gold is in their electronics. People make a great living recycling electronics. Bits of gold silver etc in almost all electronics.

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Thank you @gavinthegreat for the information. Almost all electronics contain gold content, very unusual