I want to introduce you to a new idea: "the Pupperton window."

in animals •  11 months ago 


The Pupperton window is the range of acceptable dog breeds. The kinds of dogs that it is socially acceptable to bring into the world. Golden Retrievers are squarely in the middle of the Pupperton window. But if I wanted to breed a mutated, boneless dog which was constantly in pain, there would be pushback from people. This dog would be outside of the Pupperton window.

Right now we have all sorts of dogs: St. Bernards and Chihuahuas and Irish Setters and Cocker Spaniels. We have a fairly wide selection of dogs. We have a fairly wide Pupperton window.

I think our Pupperton window is too wide. Several dog breeds have endemic health issues. For example, Bulldogs are more likely than other dogs to suffer from a long list of health issues, including ear and eye problems, skin infections, respiratory issues, immunological and neurological problems, and locomotor challenges.

We shouldn't breed dogs that have have systematic health issues.

We need to narrow the Pupperton window.

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