Extrasensory abilities of animals

in animals •  7 years ago 


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Extrasensory abilities of animals

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Extrasensory abilities of animals.
by Yana Grin on May 15, 2017
Extrasensory abilities of animals

It has long been no secret that the biofield of domestic animals has a very beneficial effect on humans. Now it is difficult to say whether this is a kind of compatibility acquired over the centuries of "cooperation", or, initially, domesticated animals, people unconsciously chose those with whom it is more comfortable. However, the fact remains: people working with animals usually keep their vivacity up to a very old age.
Post-infarction rehabilitation is more successful for patients who have pets. At first, this was explained by the daily walks that the owners of dogs had to make. But the questionnaires showed the same high percentage of health improvement among the owners of other animals: fish, parrots, cats. When contact with pets, blood pressure is normalized, tension is relieved.

People who have animals are more balanced. When stroking a fluffy pet a person experiences comfort - physical and spiritual. Psychotherapists have proved that a five-minute contemplation of fish in an aquarium removes the stress load as well as a half-hour swimming in the pool or a twenty-minute massage. A stronger field in animals of dark and motley colors, in light colors, on the contrary, it is weaker. From the size of the animal, the power and beneficial effect of the biofield does not depend, and the most useful animal in terms of energy is the horse.

Experienced veterinarians have often observed in animals the symptoms of human diseases, and it turned out that their owners are really sick. Over time, a person recovers, and a four-legged friend continues to suffer. There is a suggestion that pets (mostly dogs and cats), when we communicate with them, we stroke the "pumping" of negative energy from us to ourselves. Then they slyly shed this energy - whether shaking off, or infinitely washing.

Dogs are "lightning rods". If we talk, for example, about dogs, they are often kind of lightning rods. The dog protects the owner in the energy plan. Any negative emotions aimed at the hosts: envy, anger, desire for trouble - as if absorbed by four-legged defenders. At the same time, their health can serve as an indicator of the well-being of the family, at home: if the dogs are sick all the time, think, are you all right?

Did you know that the saliva of these four-legged shaggy neighbors contains an antiseptic that copes with many infections and suppurations no worse than znacharian ointments? Therefore, there is nothing surprising in the fact that after "licking" your wound, the terms of its healing will noticeably decrease.

Cats are healers. Cats are indicators of a different kind: they simply do not live in "bad" houses. A cat with his biofield can heal some physical ailments. There are enough minutes 15-20 per day to iron the cat, so that we have normal blood pressure. Often cats, jumping on a bed to the lying master, unerringly press themselves to the sore spot and, it seems, relieve the pain. Cats are excellent diagnostics of female diseases. At all, not from the desire for caresses, they sit down on their knees to the mistresses, pressing tight against the stomach.

A cat is the only one of all mammals whose energy system only works normally when it is possible to "pick up" negative fluctuations. But not every cat is ready to do "healing". To understand how much negative energy your cat can "take off", take a good look at it: how it moves, how much it sleeps, whether food and water are often needed. The more often your cat becomes hungry, the less it sleeps, the more active the metabolic processes, then the faster it will "work" the healer and the less time she will want to deal with it. So if she suddenly got up and is ready to leave you,

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