Twelve Days of Fantasy and Ash (Christmas Special Part 9)steemCreated with Sketch.

in anime •  6 years ago 

I can't believe it. Christmas break is almost over, and so is this show. There are only four episodes left. After all the excitement and drama that filled the last episode of the show, the writers decided it might be a good time to calm down. This episode focuses on what the characters do on their day off. Haruhiro gets up late in the morning after most of the party had already left. Moguzo was cooking like he usually is, so they have breakfast together. Thanks to being a more competent party, they have enough savings to worry less on survival and more on their day-to-day life. Moguzo revealed that Ranta got up early and went fishing, which seems uncharacteristic of him until you realize that Ranta's aggressive behavior only exists when he's around other people


Shihoru goes to the bridge where she was feeding birds with Manato before. Did I mention that? I forget at this point. and reaffirms her commitment to being in the party. She and Haruhiro admire the sunrise while Yume is still asleep in their lodging. Haruhiro follows some sort of cat-like animal around town until he ends up at Mary's residence. Due to the town design, it would seem like it's constantly busy, but the only time they meet other people is at the tavern or market. I just find it strange how in such a crowded city, Haruhiro could wander aimlessly, and Mary is the first person he meets. she says "座ったら" in the most calm voice anyone uses in the entire show.


After Mary and Haruhiro discuss housing, it cuts to Ranta fishing and Yume rock climbing. When I was saying pure action fans would not fully appreciate this series, this is the main episode I was talking about. It can be easy to see how the show slowing down at this point is a negative. However, it is rewarding to see how these characters worked from the bottom of the food chain up to making a somewhat stable living, so it feels like this break is well-deserved. Once the fun and games is over, they all head to the tavern where they hear that there have been strange goblin activity in the ruin area, so they decide to change hunting grounds. Haruhiro inadvertently suggests the Cyrene mine before immediately apologizing to Mary. Ranta thinks it's a great idea though for the 30 gold piece reward for slaying the monster there.


By this point, they have realized how to avoid falling into a false sense of routine and security, so they think the Cyrene mine would be good for keeping them sharp. Naturally, Mary gets anxious and leaves. Haruhiro gives chase and when they meet, Mary says she can't bear going to the mine alone. Haruhiro reassures her that they are friends, and Mary decides to confront her fears. The more cynical reason for them to go to the mine is to have a climactic fight with the big bad monster right at the end of the series.


The next scene, Haruhiro tries to learn a new thief skill, and ends up being thrashed by his mentor while bad rap plays in the background. The whole scene is pretty meaningless except for explaining the ability Haruhiro uses in his final fight. The episode ends with the party about to take on the mine.

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