in anime •  7 years ago 

Often Friday we are presented with the Dragon Ball content that we have today. Nothing more and nothing less than an interview with Ryota Nakamura and Satoru Takami, director and producer of Dragon Ball Super respectively. Do you want to know all the details? Well, we bring you the full translation of your great statements. Here we go!

Before we start we tell you that really interesting things are told, such as the wise decisions that Akira Toriyama would have never taken if not for Toei Animation, the intricacies of the creation of the Tournament of Power and a supposed continuation of the series (yes, finally there is light at the end of the tunnel).

1- The initial proposal of Akira Toriyama for the saga of the Tournament of Power presented 80 fighters fighting at the same time, providing many of the designs and the final appearance of the arena.

2- The first wrestlers that Toriyama designed were: Jiren, Toppo and Dyspo. In addition, the God of Destruction Quitela, was also one of his first designs for this arch.


3- Jiren's original sketch lacked indications about his personality, so Toei's staff planned that he would be a very talkative character. However, when they introduced him to Toriyama, he told them that Jiren was a character who did not speak. It was then that the mangaka created the story about Jiren's past, where his family and master of martial arts were murdered.


4- For that reason, Toei decided to recover the idea they had with Jiren and expressed that personality in Toppo, which is why this character is constantly talking about justice. In fact, the future candidacy of Toppo as God of Destruction was included in the draft of Toriyama.


5- The staff wondered how to deal with the character of Dyspo, giving him a cocky and arrogant personality thanks to the seiyuu Bin Shimada.


6- The rest of the members of the Pride Patrol (the vigilantes of Universe 11) were devised by Toei Animation.

7- Ribrianne's chubby form was designed by Akira Toriyama, but it was Toei's staff who had the idea that a more skinny version, Brianne de Chateau, would make such a transformation.


8- Neither Kale nor Caulifla were in the original plan of Akira Toriyama. During a meeting, the issue of Broly's popularity arose, so Toei Animation created Kale, creating a girl who was not exactly like Broly. When they showed it to Toriyama, the mangaka created Caulifla to go with her.


9- Toriyama included a draft in which he described what would happen to the characters of Universe 7, from the beginning of the tournament to the end. For example, it showed against whom Piccolo would lose and who would survive at the end. This document also presented all the crucial points, such as the battle between Universe 7 and 11.


10- The mangaka also decided who would be the members of Universe 7, including the unexpected replacement of Majin Buu by Frieza.


11- In the original draft of Toriyama did not appear the moment in which Freezer grants part of his energy to Son Goku. Neither was his idea the fight between Ribrianne and A-18 with their different conceptions of love.


12- As the course of the story was decided, Akira Toriyama came up with the idea of the Ultra Instinct, both its design and the name, a power-up totally different from the Super Saiyan.


13- Takami, the producer of the series, personally believes that Akira Toriyama is preparing new stories for the series, once the Power Tournament finishes. He warns us to watch episode 131 until the end, because apparently something very special will happen.


And here is the complete translation of the interview! We hope you have enjoyed all these new facts and curiosities. Do you feel hopeful what Takami declared at the end? Do you think Dragon Ball Super will continue in the near future with new stories? What do you think about the decisions of Toriyama and the fruitful proposals of Toei Animation? Kai, Kai!

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