5 things I have learned from watching Lupin III 2015

in anime •  7 years ago 


I just finished Lupin III: The Italian Adventure or Lupin The 3rd, Part IV. The series starts with Lupin getting married. I will not get into details. Just remember that after the Dream of Italy a famous artist will come next.

I have always loved this series. Sometimes, Lupin plays Robinhood and yes I know the end doesn't justify the means but at least I see he is really doing it be the benefit of another person. Most of the time as well he ends up with nothing.

  1. Something from the past will always affect your decisions.
    1.PNG a scene from The Dream of Italy (Part One)

2.Until something from your present helps you decide otherwise.

2.PNGa scene from World Dissection, Part 2

3.Always do what you think is right.


3b.PNGa scene from Until the Full Moon Passes

4.Get involve especially if your skills can handle it.

test.gifa scene from With a Gun in my Hand

5.Be true to yourself after all in the end, it will just be you show love for yourself.

5.giffrom Venice of the Dead

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