Battle: Anime VS. Cartoon

in anime •  7 years ago 

Hello, I'm Max and today I bring you the first edition of a new section in this blog.
I bring you an epic battle between the anime and the caricature. so without further delay let's start



Anime is different from Cartoon, although both are cartoons that can be animated but generally have visually different characteristics for the characters and a more "limited animation" style to present the movement.

Anime VS Cartoon

I'll start by comparing the two concepts with respect to a topic:

Short description


They are Japanese animated productions, and they come in all formats, such as television series, short films and films.


They are cartoons in the form of two-dimensional illustrated visual art.

Over time the specific definition has changed, in these times refers to something unrealistic or semi realistic in order to entertain intended to humor.


Visual characteristics


the characters have particular facial expressions.

The characteristics of these are closer to reality than the Cartoon except for the eyes which make them bigger and a smaller mouth to give them a more beautiful style.


The characters usually characteristics that are not in relation to the rest of the body and therefore further from reality than the anime.


Dictionary definition:


Dictionaries define the word as 'Japanese style of motion picture animation'


Dictionaries define the word as' cartoon that was used as a model to create a caricature related to humor.



Anime is associated mainly in life issues or rather more attached to reality with some violent themes.


They are usually made to make people laugh but nowadays they do it more with the intention of transmitting different feelings not only happiness but sadness, mystery, nostalgia, anger, etc. (Some examples would be Gravity Falls and Steven Universe with all its feels and happy moments.



Anime is associated mainly in life issues or rather more attached to reality with some violent themes.


They are usually made to make people laugh but nowadays they do it more with the intention of transmitting different feelings not only happiness but sadness, mystery, nostalgia, anger, etc. (Some examples would be Gravity Falls and Steven Universe with all its feels and happy moments.




Each chapter can last from 22 minutes to 25 minutes. Although the films and those with more action ask to exceed that time.


It can vary from 5 minutes to 1 hour.




The anime originated in Japan: jp:


This originated in the United States: us:


I know that many will say that the Cartoon is better, but it is only because the app is for that instead if I make this blog in AA they will say the opposite.

That's why I did a survey to 18 people from different communities (both official and non-official) in order to know their opinion about this and the question was:

What is better the ANIME or the CARTOON?


Anime 2-1 Cartoon


Anime 3-0 Cartoon


Anime 1-2 Cartoon


Anime 2-1 Cartoon


Anime 2-1 cartoon

Fashion and makeup:

Anime 1-2 cartoon


Well as we saw in the survey 61% of the people interviewed prefer the anime while the other 39% prefer the Cartoon so more people prefer the anime, since they said it has better story and more realistic characters.

Personal opinion

In my opinion I think anime is better although I like more the Cartoon since this is more realistic and the Cartoon is based more on making people laugh although at the moment there have already been very epic Cartoons (gravity falls).

And I think the two of you are working hard to give us a caricature or series of very good quality.

And for you what is better the anime or the Cartoon?



And well that was all I am Max and see you in the next blog, bay.


leave your opinion about who would win this battle in the comments

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isn't a fair fight anime wins allways XD