Dragon ball super

in anime •  7 years ago 

Dragon Ball Super Episode 123 MAJOR Leak! Unleashing Full power!

Howdy, Everyone, The new spoilers of Dragon Ball Super Episode 123 which will be released on 13th January, 2018. So, let’s get started.
Special thanks to Geekdom101 and Terez for the information, and Sailorspazz

Episode 123 – “Unleash The Entire Power Of Mind And Body!” (Provisional Title)
As you see in title of the Episode 123- “Unleashed Entire Power Of Mind And Body” this literally mean that some one is going to get perfected Ultra Instinct but as we all know that Defensive Ultra Instinct use Entire Power Of Mind but not the Body because when Goku was using Ultra Instinct his punches were weak.
Provisional title and the actual title are almost identical, and the story of the episode remains same as said by the title!
Entire Power Of Mind And Body means that any one of Goku Or Vegeta will be going to master Ultra Instinct and most probably it is Goku because I don’t think that Vegeta will master both things of Ultra Instinct in just one episode.

It can be Vegeta also but chances are very less though in the Episode 122 Vegeta will challenge the strongest, and this episode will be animated by the same person who animated Episode 110!
Sources think that Vegeta will be defeated by Jiren in Episode 122 as he even defeated Hit and Goku for the first time. In 123 Goku may battle Jiren with his regular defensive Ultra Instinct and Jiren may show glimpse of his real Power and that defensive power won’t be enough to beat Jiren and after struggling for quite a while Goku may break his limits and achieve mastered Ultra Instinct (Just a Speculation).
As we all know that defensive or regular Ultra Instinct’s attacks are not that strong as Goku’s Punches weren’t working on Kefla and title says that “Unleashing the Power Of Mind And Body” that means a New Ultra Instinct which will have full power of body as well as mind will be released, thus, Goku might get that perfected Defensive and Offensive Ultra Instinct with mix Red and Blue Aura which we saw in the trailer of 1-hour special.

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