Mahou Shoujo Site

in anime •  7 years ago 


Rating: AniDB(5) Anime-Planet(5.6) MAL(6.5)

So, at first I didn't even wanna touch this anime. I didn't even look at what it was about, I mean, come on - mahou-shoujo? You can fuck right off with that bullshit. But, whatever, I gave it a go. AND HOLY CYKA BLYAT, did they RUSH the fuck out of B up in that bitch or what?! we're talkign here "madoka magica" meets mira-nikki. Not quite. But kind of. 's crazy, each magical girl got a different power-wand, and the more they use it the more they bleed and it saps their life.

Who gets to be a magical girl? Have you been raped or abused or your parents got murdered? Basically, traumatised people - coz, who better to have powers than people who been fucked over and are unbalanced, AMIRITEONIISAMA-KUDASIA-DESU-YO-NEEEEE?!!? RIGHT.

So, there's lots of blood, lots of cool cat-fights. BUT WHY?!?! whyyyy is it all happening? That's the funny thing, it's not quite clear. I just finished episode 5, and yeah, I know a bit, but - the whole anime feels like there's a huge chunk of plot missing.

Not that I need it. HONESTLY? They can go at it and just keep on massacarign each other (no, it's not quite battle royale style, and yet...).




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