Chio-chan no Tsuugakuro
The "dramatic extreme going to school comedy" manga follows the titular female high school student Chio Miyamo, and her adventures to commute to school every day. Chio runs in to problems both big and small, such as construction, a biker gang, a sudden urge to use the bathroom, and more.
Personal opinion
Is a anime of girls of going only to the school?
It's a anime of girls doing kawaii stuff?
It's just.... bloody butterfly !!
Ok now I make no sense right? Ignore all what I said XD
This anime it's just a comedy with random epic sometimes like nichijou, said that... you will just laught a lot and chio it's just... a student? a assassin? a gamer? a lover? bloody butterfly? seriously... still not sure yet but it's just awsome character XD
Story Score : 7
Art Score : 8
Carisma Score : 9.5
Originality Score : 8.8
Total Score : 8.3
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