Dear BitcoinDeFi Community,
The Staking Node is an essential part of building and operating the BitcoinDeFi Network. Staking Node is a vehicle designed to allocate, promote, and protect that Decentralised Finance operating structure among individuals who own Staking Node in the BitcoinDeFi community.
Based on the in-depth study on how to apply Game Theory, BitcoinDeFi team has taken the incentive mechanism as the core to design mechanisms, rules, and policies for Staking Node owners to create an open DeFi network running on top of Bitcoin Blockchain. This network is called BitcoinDeFi.
BitcoinDeFi mechanism, rules, and policies are designed, integrated, and optimally applied. It will make the benefits of each individual joining the network and own a staking node will always be proportional to the interests of the entire BitcoinDeFi community. Good for you, for me, and loyal to our principle - One for all, all for one.
Staking Node mechanisms, rules, and policies have been issued and trained for BitcoinDeFi community members since joining the network.
To enforce the operating principle, from 0:00 AM GMT 2021/05/12, all the staking nodes will be officially locked for a period of time for each level. While the locking period is valid, you cannot withdraw BTCDeFi from Staking Node.
The locked term for each level is described in the diagram for your reference.
Staking in your Node will be locked for 6 months to get the commission from your subordinates.
BitcoinDeFi is moving forward exactly according to the planned roadmap.
If you need further information and assistance, please contact the support team.
Thank you,
BitcoinDeFi Team
One for All, All for One.