Blog beginning!

in announcement •  7 years ago 

Hello folks! I'm just making a quick post here to announce my intention to begin blogging regularly here on Steemit. Based on my research over the past several days, success on this platform seems to be dependent on the very same factors as on any other content sharing website -- namely, consistency and quality of content. I'll do my best to post quality content, but I can assuredly post regularly :)

I'm aiming for 2 posts per day on weekdays for now. These will probably be on the subjects of gaming, Let's Play videos, programming, music, and other various topics. One thing I like about Steemit is that it doesn't pigeonhole a creator into a single category. Jacks-of all-trades can (and do!) do very well here :)

Anyway, for the actual content of this post, how about a link to a greatly under-appreciated song from the early 70s? Here's Van Morrison's "Saint Dominic's Preview" from his 1972 album of the same name:

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Looking forward to your posts. Great first stab. :-)

Love it