Anonymous: Analysis of the savior-destroyer brought to you by 4chan and Intelligence Agencies

in anonymous •  8 years ago  (edited)


Like steemit, Anonymous is a true internet-era organziation. Most of you probably already know that they got their name from the nickname assigned to most users on 4chan. I'm guessing that most of you probably already have some doubt as to their organization because of its anonymous nature. I share those doubts with you, as well.

At the same time, they're paying attention to the one solitary issue that I choose to really give a shit about:

ending warfare

It's really quite simple. War is a loss for all parties, even the perpetrators, no matter what we're told. I don't know why powerful people like warfare so much, in the case of Hillary Clinton, I suspect that it actually gets her off:

do you think Hillary brags about her kills because it gets her off?

I do.

government is the problem

Whatever the case may be, however, the fact remains that our governments still feel a need to send us off to slaughter (and pay the awful mental toll) or be slaughtered (and live, maimed, or-- not live at all.) It's evil, and we shouldn't tolerate it. There are better, more meaningful things for ANY person to do than to perpetuate warfare.

So to me it's pretty obvious that there are multiple anonymous-es. Really, anyone who looks around on social media can see this as well. I'm mostly interested in determining the provenance of content marked official anonymous across Youtube, Twitter, Facebook, and G+. Someone on some team somewhere is producing videos and related content that is just about perfectly produced. I assure you that such production costs real money. This would seem to point to possible intelligence involvement, but I don't want to just assume that's what is up. There are plenty of ways for activists to make money.


Anonymous has impeccable taste for what sells in online branding. And frankly, it makes sense. 4chan is the internet's recognized meme-factory, after all. I know some folks even undertaking academic research to understand just how it is possible for so many of the web's memes to come from one place. Whoever is running anonymous promotes it with a sense of style and flair that's unmatched among similar organziations.

facebook, reddit, google, yahoo, MSN, qq, weixin, daum, line, vine, twitter, and more are all conspiring against you. Their goal is to monetize your thoughts and desires before you can.

I made a post to /r/consipriacy the other day, to introduce Steemit to them. I got going on how social media itself is a scam, and that steemit is its inverse.

Anonymous are masterful social media users promoting an anti-war agenda backed by god only knows what. As long as they remain one of the few visible anti-war groups globally, I'll continue to support their ideas and videos. I support nothing that advocates violence, no matter who is advocating it.

The other day, I posted inviting onto our blockchain.

What we have here is an ideal platform for activism

So let's use it right. Let's support groups that advocate against government and warfare. Some of them are so good at branding, it just might support us, too.

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Those people are anti-war.
As are these:

I guess we would need to find somebody with fewer degrees of separation?

True. Despite my liking the message, I don't think I know anyone who knows anyone at anon, or earthfirstjournal or

Yep, I got the same problem, them folks are thousands of miles away.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Great, how can we bring crimethinc into our community?

Earthfirst / earthfirstjournal seem like a bunch of ninnying morons, from what I read on their site.

Ah, lol, yeah, but they got the right ideas.
I'm afraid they may be corrupted by the donations that they get.
But, they do get down in the woods.

brandonlovejoy Brandon Lovejoy tweeted @ 04 Oct 2016 - 00:17 UTC

Hey @crimethinc! We're waiting for you at /
... We think it's time you made your entrance... ;) cheers! #steem

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