Jerry has haters

in anonymous •  6 years ago 

[-]pfunk (72) · 13 hours ago
What I see is an attempt to scapegoat something you don't like for personal reasons, downvotes, to try to explain the declining market price of STEEM.

The market price is a very complex issue and I really can't believe that you believe downvoting is the primary reason for the market decline. I'd like to give you the benefit of the doubt because you're obviously unqualified to understand market basics, but it's still obvious to anyone paying attention just to the Steem world that downvoting is not the cause of STEEM market price decline.

Your populist appeal to remove downvotes from Steem, which would be ruinous, is an appeal to defend yourself from the rational reactions to your own shortcomings. I'm downvoting this post as it is my right as a Steem stakeholder to remove rewards and trending ranking to posts I don't think are deserving of either.

44 votes

[-]meno (65) · 10 hours ago
Your populist appeal to remove downvotes from Steem, which would be ruinous, is an appeal to defend yourself from the rational reactions to your own shortcomings.

That's truth directed to the yugular right there.

If the words populist appeal does not raise a red flag on people's mind, then I don't know if we will ever learn from the lessons of history after all.

4 votes

[-]martie7 (42) · 5 hours ago
Jerry... ouch... where your big money under your post? You so long write this post to get nothing...


[-]cryptkeeper17 (57) · 3 hours ago
Way to stand up for the little guy, that being centralized everything, that picks and chooses how you live your life. This graphic is so laughably left wing propaganda I don't know where to start. Populism is a leftist label given to those people that want to slow the amount government is running their lives day to day. Simple. So to follow this logic would imply that the removal of any central authority's power of any kind is due to racism toward the scapegoats of the entity? We (meaning I have no idea who you are talking about because people on an individual basis learn at their own speeds based on their individual interests and life experiences, I do not learn everything you learn and you do not learn everything I learn, all cognition is not a to b then it has to be c, in a vacuum like you present it here). To imply this is to assume any cuts of any kind to central government is done out of racism, or a conspired effort to hold classes of people down? Really? I have seen some of your statement on a lot of things, they are very well thought out, virtually always but this one unfortunately falls short. I should have more often voiced my agreement in what you are saying more often, like 90-95% of the time you have a very coherent and solid basis of facts. I could site my favorite "right wing nut bag" authors with a similar flow chart but that would be equally a fool's errand.


[-]meno (65) · 3 hours ago
I think you missed my point completely, but that's completely OK. I'm neither left wing, right wing. A few years ago I walked away from the magical bird.

The graph (not mine) was simply shared as a visual representation of the psychology at play here. Not an actual representation with the dotted i's and crossed t's as you are assuming I meant.

What Jerry has effectively done here is appeal to the populus, to the little guy, to the tiny account that can't seem to get ahead on the platform, telling those accounts he knows the answer, he knows the reason.

Then he pivots, directs the blame towards the witnesses and stake holders who want to keep the flags as the culprits painting them all with a broad brush.

You may not see it this way, and in this sense we can agree to disagree. I won't start citing titles and diplomas to back claims, they either stand on their own or they fall flat in pools of stupidity.

So to be clear about my position.-

Jerry is using his anecdotal evidence to call for a change on the platform that would remove the ability for the participants of the platform to police the community.

To say he has been flagged because of jealousy, because he makes too much, or anything of the sort is to ignore the evidence. You may choose to ignore it, your choice.

I think you made some political assumptions about me, and this may be because you are not aware of the dominating anarchist stance of most users of this platform, thus you balled me up with some people you've normally interacted with. I personally don't play ball on that field.

So, ignore the specifics of the chart for a second and attempt to grasp my intention within the context of my reply.

Populism mixed with escape goating is a recipe for disaster.

2 votes

[-]cryptkeeper17 (57) · 3 hours ago
Yeah I guess, I did. Oh well, your explanation nails it right on. That was actually why I was a little surprised you went the political route to explain that, but yes, anger the natives, get out the pitchforks (so to speak of course, lol) and blame 'downvoting.' I try to refrain from arguing politics because yes "the magic bird" is a losing proposition. The more local the argument to the heart of the matter and solution, the less need for political infusion. Very well put, no hard feelings I hope, I try not to peg anyone on an uncensored platform like this, because too often I find I am nowhere close. BTW this new pic sure takes heated conversation down quickly, lol.

1 vote

[-]meno (65) · 3 hours ago
Everything is well brother!


1 vote

[-]smooth (68) · 11 hours ago
I agree and I also think this is a thinly disguised whine post, a category which does not add value to Steem and doesn't deserve rewards (post and whine if you like, but don't expect to be paid for it).

6 votes

[-]aditya61 (25) · 11 hours ago
@smooth yes you are right


[-]brensonttt (40) · 10 hours ago
Jerry Banfield's face does not add value to steem? wtf, man...


[-]tuck-fheman (74) · 7 hours ago
My crack team have determined it was the price of Bitcoin going down that pushed all other crypto's down. No more easy market manipulation by exchanges. That really hurt our fake meteoric rise, bringing us back towards reality. So, my crack team has determined that prices are exactly where they should be if not for a market manipulation.

Hey Jerry, you ever do any market manipulation?
4 votes

[-]patrickczu (53) · 8 hours ago
This post is not mainly about the steem price. It's about that the community has no power here on steemit...

2 votes

[-]itstime (53) · 7 hours ago
But the title though ?


[-]patrickczu (53) · 5 hours ago
Ya I watch the entire 50 minute Video, not sure why he choose that title. Why the steem-price is low is a more complex issue that is for sure. Jerry talk about flaws in the steem-blockchain that makes real and good content producers go away. This way the steem-price will be affected negatively in the long run or steemit might even will be prevented from becoming huge.


[-]patrickczu (53) · 5 hours ago
Ya I watched the entire 50 minute Video, not sure why he choose that title. Why the steem-price is low is a more complex issue that is for sure. Jerry talk about flaws in the steem-blockchain that makes real and good content producers go away. This way the steem-price will be affected negatively in the long run or steemit might even will be prevented from becoming huge.


[-]prameshtyagi (68) · 8 hours ago
Don’t u think if we keep flag option then we will never be able to attract that part of business which seek visibility as competitors of that business can use anonymous flaggers to reduce or remove the visibility for which they paid.

1 vote

[-]nokodemion (57) · 7 hours ago
Yes, yes and yes... there is truth in all this, steem is a setup...


[-]itstime (53) · 7 hours ago
so if I am Buzzfeed and issue Buzztokens , my competitors will buy them first and then down-vote my content ?

But they already invested in the content by proxy and why would they set fire to their own money ?


[-]nokodemion (57) · 7 hours ago
Its called greed, what they dont get, those folks on the top, is that with farming the reward pool like they do from day 1, they are killing steem....


[-]ojsp (25) · 12 hours ago
I find this interesting

2 votes

[-]martie7 (42) · 10 hours ago
Downvotes is bad due to no curator rewards. I think we should start to pay curator's reward for downvotes to make steem clearer!

Or... 25% from upvotes and 15% from flags.

3 votes

[-]killerteesuk (0) · 8 hours ago$0.00Reveal Comment

[-]enforcer48 (51) · 8 hours ago
You could always try to join @steemflagrewards and sign up for @dustsweeper. We try to make it worth a few cents for when you flag abuse.


[-]itstime (53) · 12 hours ago
STEEM Flags have their own issues , will probably have even more complicated issues in future when we have more people coming through the door.
The biggest issues I have seen are people flagging other's post because
a) they don't like what is being said.
b) they disagree with the ideology.

Hopefully as SP gets more distributed this topic resolves itself or maybe mini walled gardens powered by SMTS will solve it.

None of that is to say that there is a correlation between flag abilities and STEEM price . STEEM downvotes are not leaking to Bitcoin / other cryptos , it's a very obvious bear market ( cuz reasons).



[-]meno (65) · 8 hours ago
its a consequence fitting of a benign action, yes.

Singing terribly gets you no applause. Benign action, distasteful, but it harms no one.

The counter argument would be to say:

Regardless of quality of content, quality of interaction, effort, merit, the outcome should be the same.

That sounds like communism to me.

No matter how bad someone sings, they should still get applauded.

The difference is obvious to me. But, people conveniently conflate the two because it seems to align with the cognitive bias.


Is psychological cancer. We are owed absolutely nothing by absolutely no one.

[-]enforcer48 (51) · 8 hours ago
It's not that hard. Run a bunch of accounts. Buy some votes. Pretend to be someone else and steal their work.

Without flags, it's a 100% gains game.


[-]sathyasankar (54) · 15 hours ago
You could have made this into a post! He will never reply to this I guess. .However, we the people can understand the reality.


[-]mazzle (61) · 21 hours ago
Oh Jerry, please stop sending your shit ideas to trending. You get flagged because you take advantage of people who are new to Steemit and create shit content.

You try to tell people that you are a stand up comic, a musician and a Steemit expert. You are none of these things. All you are is a failed get rich quick "guru" and a scam artist.

Let's hope we see you drop below 50 in the witness ranks soon.

16 votes

[-]mazzle (61) · 20 hours ago
That's cute, Jerry used one of his alt accounts to flag me.

2 votes

[-]sames (57) · 21 hours ago
i don't use this much but +1


[-]pjau (50) · 8 hours ago
Flagging helps stop the scammers and plagiarists from taking a cut of the reward pool away from the people who care. Yes this is the primary reason for doing it. I think that this is a good thing because the people trying to take an easy ride by stealing others works are not here to make Steemit a better place, a lot of these people just want to make a quick buck. This in itself is a bad thing because they are the ones who will sell Steem for any price. We need people holding Steem, this increases price as there's less being sold.

People who really believe in Steem do not sell all their Steem. FACT, they power up.

Removing flags will be a nightmare because more people (dolphins+whales) will start spending hundreds, even thousands on bid bots without having to worry about being flagged, this in turn will reduce the reward pool share for the little fish. Flagging trash increases funds for everyone else. If everyone flagged trash, it would make Steemit a better place for the people who care. Flagging also teaches newbies who are here for an easy ride to evolve, often they start posting legitimate content, which improves Steemit.

Everything you say seems to scream personal gain, I just think that you want flagging removed for your own gain, not to help everyone else.

Removing flagging is a terrible idea. I vote NO.

5 votes

[-]inertia (70) · 11 hours ago
You’re a witness who is advocating removal of downvotes. That’s why you lost your top 20 slot.

I asked you if you were willing to consider if you were wrong about the idea. You said no. So I removed my vote. Then you started to act like maybe it was something you’d consider discussing.

Too late, man.

6 votes

[-]bunnyfiverr (25) · 10 hours ago$0.00
Reveal Comment

[-]inertia (70) · 9 hours ago
What do you mean?


[-]meno (65) · 8 hours ago
The answer is obvious @inertia, you don't have a trending post with you shirtless on a video. That has to be it.


[-]meno (65) · 8 hours ago
Your type of accounts are the exact reason why I could never support getting rid of flags.

You've plagiarised @blocktrades shamelessly, not only through the avatar (very silly to do) but also through copying and pasting their posts.

So to me your existence says one of two things.

you are pretending to be an exchange to hopefully have someone send you steem or sbd by mistake (very unlikely)
you have absolutely no clue what this whole ecosystem is all about and think there is merit to copying and pasting articles from other steem accounts.
Either choice is pathetic in my opinion.

So your existence, once again, Proofs the need for flags.

Congratulations in pissing in your own punch bowl.


[-]gamernoob (52) · 21 hours ago
Your last trending post wasn't stand up comedy Jerry. It was you having a shit rant about getting hated on because you suck your own dick.

And removing the ability to flag someone for receiving rewards that they don't deserve isn't censorship. It's the community determining what a person deserves for their content, which is perfect. The community should absolutely decide how rewards are distributed.

You should not be a recipient of any rewards. You are a scam artist and a terrible representative for Steemit. I was so happy to see you drop from witness rank 22 to 31 over the past week. That speaks volumes about what people think of you here.

6 votes

[-]zyx066 (56) · 15 hours ago
Sooo... I took the time to read this angry rant, but couldn't muster the willpower to watch the video you made, you know, the so-called stand-up comedy. Do you realize that's on there forever now, as Steem isn't likely to budge even one fraction of an inch because of this lengthy threat of yours? Look, I was even willing to stay fairly neutral on your typical whale-behavior and bid-bot abuse in my angry rant about egotistical behavior on an blockchain that's designed to have maximum growth if everybody just acted with that community in mind instead of just their own pockets. If you're really the sport you say you are, if you even have the slightest sense of humor and if you have but a fraction of the concern for others you claim to have, you'll read, upvote, resteem and comment on this post: Sh*t-Post! Read At Own Risk! (Braincells Might Perish!). This might be a first small step toward redemption...

Now that we have that shameless plug of my own post, which I know you'll appreciate since plugging yourself is all you seem to do, out of the way let me say that you're not doing yourself or your brothers in arms any good by posting this. "Do as I say or I will leave" doesn't really work well on a community of people that found each-other mainly because of a shared longing for freedom. Most of us are mature enough to realize that there's no such thing as "absolute" freedom of any kind, not even the oral or verbal kind. When your freedom to say what you want hinders my freedom to do the same, you're actually not advocating freedom, you're advocating hierarchy. You're right that one negative experience leaves a bigger impression than 10 positive ones, but that's life my friend and goes for a lot more than just upvotes or flags.

This is also the reason why almost all of us are very hesitant to use that flag-option: we know how it must feel. I never ever flagged anyone in all 3 months I've been active here and The Lord (Jerry?) knows I've seen a lot of crap that doesn't deserve the insane earnings they accumulated. Oh wait... I did flag someone once: I flagged myself just as a fun experiment, to see what it does.

What I'm trying to say here is that "normal" posts don't get flagged under normal circumstances. From what I've seen it's mostly comments that fall in the "beggar" category or the "spam" category being downvoted by spam-bots or blatant copying by the (in)famous cheetah bot, like "I like this post a lot! I upvoted it too! Can you please upvote and follow me too?" copy-pasted in 100 posts. If those users used that energy to make a picture of the street they live in and tell a funny anekdote on what happened there yesterday, they would make the same small amount of money if their obvious free-ride comments were being left alone. They would even have a chance at the occasional massive upvotes if they strike gold with a particularly beautiful photograph or funny text. Then they would be starting with relative crap, but getting better over time.

You really have to do something really insulting, harmful to the blockchain or otherwise do something so bad, that people get over that initial hesitance and actually flag your post. That's my experience until now and I like it that way. Sure it's not perfect and something needs to be done about the misuse of economical power that now fills the Trending page with mediocrity. Something has to be done about the many well intending communities that require the use of a specific tag to gain the benefits they offer. Let's say I write a post, a good one about something interesting, but I tag it with #ocd-resteem, #steemstem, #msp-whatever, #steemrepo.... how can any new potential users ever find the post by searching on the actual topic of the post? These are things worth talking about, ranting about even. But not this, Jerry, not this.

4 votes

[-]fbslo (66) · 15 hours ago
My last stand up comedy video on Steem was a perfect test case here to demonstrate that censorship is alive and well on Steem.

You got -$30 flags. You still have $500+ pending payout.

Downvoted Investors + Authors Eventually Sell Everything

Do we need authors who leave after first flag? I get over -$200 flag once and I'm still here.

We will act quickly together to get rid of downvoting on the Steem blockchain or Steem will fail to achieve everything it was setup to accomplish in being a platform free from censorship where our voice has value.

Removing flags will destroy Steem. Can you imagine how much spam is on Steem now? Without flags, there will be even more spam!

Steemit Inc's delegation to a project downvoting mostly minnows collectively for hundreds of dollars a day is the tip of the iceberg.

Steemcleaners & Spaminator & mack-bot are protecting Steem from spam. They are downvoting mostly minnows, because minnows create most of spam!

value of Steem today would be closer to $10 instead of a $1 if in the previous hardfork we had made one relatively small change. If we expect Steem to ever consistently grow in value and in daily users, the time is now at a bare minimum to test removal of the ability to remove rewards from a post by flagging.

Market is down because of bitcoin, not because of downvoting. Whole crypto market is down, not only STEEM!

6 votes

[-]killerteesuk (0) · 9 hours ago$0.00Reveal Comment

[-]treschouette (39) · 16 hours ago
If you think flags are suppressing the USD value of STEEM - then I've got a DASH node I'll trade for your account.

7 votes

[-]boomerang (53) · 14 hours ago
This post has received a 6.5 % upvote from @boomerang.

1 vote

[-]nitindafda (25) · 13 hours ago
@boomerang i studied about steemit and i have an opinion about it.

1 vote

[-]tuck-fheman (74) · 7 hours ago
I am imaging a future where a blockchain empowers us globally to each share our voice without fear of loss from downvotes while each user interface makes decisions on what to show to readers.
You need to be on the Qora blockchain. You can post all you want, no one can downvote, you can receive tips for your work. It's actually looking for a new Development Team Jerry, so you could basically take it over and do all teh things on your very own chain.

See ya!

1 vote

[-]joeyarnoldvn (54) · 6 hours ago
Can you share a link here to that blockchain? Qora or Quora? Do you have to deposit money into it before tipping? I have never put money in Steemit and I like that. Other websites may require input before output of Bitcoin, money, or whatever.


[-]tuck-fheman (74) · 5 hours ago

It's basically a ded chain waiting to be continued by a new team. Jerry and his crack team could dominate the entire chain all for themselves! It could become the greatest story in crypto if Jerry just bought himself a Dev team to pick up where the others left off. It's so cheap too, Jerry could pump that shitcoin to incredible heights and get so rich that he leaves crypto entirely (you're starting to see my plan unfold now aren't you)!

Here's what a "real" decentralized blog looks like :


[-]jasonshick (61) · 21 hours ago
Lots of mistakes in the post Jerry. First of all, the price of steem is down because crypto is in a bear cycle and no crypto currency has been able to separate itself from the entire field. WHen bitcoin is bear, the whole sphere is bear. The price of steem is a refelction of this, not downvoting.

Second, how you relate downvoting with racism is beyond me.

Third, when someone spouts off nonsense, spam and steals other peoples content, it deserves to be downvoted and I would go one step further as to limit that user's ability to post. There is no need for a lot of the garbage posts that we see on the platform and the users doing this only have their self-interest in mind. By limiting their access to self promotion we are making a positive attempt to modify this behavior.

11 votes

[-]vegan4theanimals (53) · 21 hours ago
@jasonshick reach for an upvote much?


[-]jasonshick (61) · 21 hours ago
From who, you?
You just keep going with your healthy eating unless you actually have something to add or contribute.

2 votes

[-]fow (50) · 21 hours ago
Correct @jasonshick. Proof of brain requires the ability to down vote.


[-]sames (57) · 21 hours ago
fourth even if you downvote the post is still there other platforms would delete it


[-]sidsun (57) · 20 hours ago
WHat about @haejin. I think he stopped posting here on crypto after a witch hunt. U can choose to ignore it. But seriously there was a major element of racism. Haejin has hundreds of dedicated followers and it was great to get free advise here. He literally got smoked out. It's unfair man!


[-]mazzle (61) · 20 hours ago
Haejin was here to rape the reward pool and nothing else. If you look at the posts by people who analysed his "advice" you'd see that a tiny percentage of his predictions were accurate.

Only the gullible followed him, and I feel sorry for anyone who followed his investment advice. How many times did you see him communicate what he was actually investing in? Never.

He posted 10 times a day to receive the maximum possible 100% upvotes from ranchorelaxo. That's all it was. There was never any real advice in the posts. It was all bullshit.

4 votes

[-]sidsun (57) · 13 hours ago
Im not too sure. I followed him for over two weeks and he was on track. Not sure what he's advising right now. Couple of predictions went really well for me. He did say SBD will go to the moon before he quit here. .....Which didn't sort of happen coz bitcoin crashed after that. I'd love to know what he'd be saying now. It was just entertaining.. Raping rewards pool - i guess we cannot control everyone's behaviour here.


[-]mazzle (61) · 13 hours ago
He left to start a trading analysis subscription site. I’m sure he’d be happy to take your money.


[-]sidsun (57) · 12 hours ago
lol...i was happy reading it for nothing here...


[-]doomsdaychassis (58) · 20 hours ago
wow. haejin was only here for himself. he made probably millions and never even bothered to throw any of his supporters a scrap. How anyone would follow that guy is beyond me.

1 vote

[-]khoa (56) · 14 hours ago
Only idiot follow haejin.


[-]tesselart (59) · 5 hours ago
Second, how you relate downvoting with racism is beyond me.

Easy. Not just racism, just about every kind of institutional suppression you want to be part of. Corporate competition? Government suppression of dissidents? Be my guest!

How it works is like this: I am the NSA/Microsoft/Chinese Communist Party/KKK/whatever else, I go and spend say 1 million USD on STEEM for the sake of burying competition. Sounds like a lot, but for a billionaire or a corporation or a government that is fuck all. Now I make a bunch of accounts and give them all a good dose of STEEM Power. Now I program a bot that targets keywords, or employ people to sift through new every once in a while, or simply bomb a particular tag - let's say utopian-io or some other to do with open source development and the like (because I'm Microsoft or Apple and I don't want none of that shit in the world lol). My combined efforts result in an army of bots that downvote to the tune of $40 with 500k SP. Now I set them up to flag the stuff I don't want to see. Be it perhaps an ethnic group I don't want to gain any kind of public support or attention, such as perhaps the Rohingya people in Myanmar, or perhaps East Timorese in Indonesia, or Kurds in Turkey, and so forth. Sure I can't actually delete their posts, but if I camp New and nuke every post from orbit that contains keywords that indicate they are from there - perhaps language used, or names of places, or tags - I effectively choke them out of the platform. You're not gonna see their posts. Only if you know they're there and you know the url. They would have to alert people to them through other means on other platforms.

But not to worry, to recoup a little bit of money I'll routinely have them upvote one another, I mean why waste ALL the SP on flags right? I can just as well upvote the kind of content I want to see, such as "organic" outpouring of support for Dear Leader's latest address to the public, or just any kind of project to take attention away from the things I don't like.

And that is a modest example. If the platform was actually big and in heavy use, do you think a corporation or government that is shady as fuck would sweat dropping a few million to control the platform? While platforms like Reddit or Facebook aren't immune to this kind of influence, at the very least the buck stops with the actual admins. They can decide to veto this kind of thing and set up systems to detect this abuse. Or not, you know, it's up to them but the point is they can. Here on Steemit there are no admins or moderators. The only way to curb abuse like this is through tools making people aware of it. But so what? What if I don't care that you call me out, and I keep hammering you and everyone else with massive flags all the time? Sure you can still physically say what you want, but straight up forget about running some kind of more serious project on here or making a living.

And if that fails well shit, I'll come back with a billion dollars and whack you to the tune of -$1000, how'd you like that? Let's see you crawl out under that -20 reputation where the platform barely even lets you post. And at the end of it you can still sell your STEEM back and come out of it not having spent anything on the bottom line. Or leave the platform a smoldering crater. What's a billion dollars for the likes of Facebook, Microsoft, US govt etc. for a solid chance to completely wreck a platform they don't like? Fucking nothing, that's what. And those people are the most likely to stoop to this kind of thing, because they're not counting the dollars and cents like you and me, they are used to numbers with many zeros, they don't give a shit that it costs a bit of money to achieve an objective.

See what I mean? This platform enables full on institutional suppression as long as you have the money for it. You'll say people can band together and overcome it. I'll say, look at the fucking world, the people didn't band together to overcome the shit governments and corporations they have in their own countries in the real world, and they'll gonna come together and take out home loans to counter vote people on some internet forum?

The good news is as long as the network holds you can still post stuff on Steemit if you want, just don't expect to be paid for it. And if you're a journalist or activist or agent or whatever you can use it to dump hardcore government secrets on here that can't be deleted. Just pass on the url to people and they can read it. Until of course those governments issue an ISP ban on the whole platform and all the search engines drop it from their index.

So tell me, how would YOU stop the above?

Agree with the rest of your post though lol


[-]uv10 (50) · 5 hours ago
I think he's not wrong to separate the value of steem from the bear market issue, since the down tend says nothing about the intrinsic value of steem. markets often behave in a way that exposes powerful players to opportunities thought herding a crowd a certain way. an indication that an asset is undervalued is when accumulation of it occurs as it priced down. I don't see it in steem and it makes me worry about the platform. I hope to see STEEm as being more the a mechanism of wealth transfer in dollars. I think that deploying censorship is a sure wat to ATTRACT sceamers and bad actors, since they will rush to missuse it. So I disagree with you


[-]doomsdaychassis (58) · 20 hours ago
steem is down because Bitcoin is down. Pretty much the whole market. Getting rid of downvotes would only make our already trash trending page even worse. I would literally just post a picture of my dogs shit and bot vote it to the top. That is just fucking stupid.

7 votes

[-]viraldrome (63) · 19 hours ago
Use Jerry's shitty bot to upvote it when you do

2 votes

[-]parryinecstasy (49) · 19 hours ago
As stupid as it is, the bot are to be blamed.
In fact, am really tired and bewildered when it comes to who really is to blame. The bots helps promote post and that doesn't mean people should upvote the posts. Just like this post, it's been promoted using bit bots otherwise, we wouldn't see it.
But if you don't like a post, it should be completely ignored instead of flagging because I have seen and noticing so many persons having time to downvote but have not time to upvote, that rubbish. As long as people cannot post freely here without getting flagged or Downvoted, there will still be a fundamental problem.
If flagging should not be completely removed, it can be censored to for every user with a certain reputation and above to have same downvoting Power no matter your steem Power. And no account should have the ability to Downvote more than twice in 6days. That will help

4 votes

[-]bmanmcfly (39) · 18 hours ago
I am sure that bitcoin price dropping has an impact.

Ultimately, downvotes are nothing.

The real issue is how votes are weighted... I understand the motivation to keep people vested in the platform, but when you can get 10 votes as .001, and anothers 2% vote is .02, that is too massive of a disparity.

See some people get 50 votes and 150$, while others get maybe 2 cents for 10-15 votes. Thats a hard mental barrier for people to overcome.

Far worse than the impact of someone reading what was written and voting it down because they disagree.

3 votes

[-]rajkarada (29) · 19 hours ago
crypto currency is not always stable so wrong prediction or comment on steem is not right

2 votes

[-]itraaj (29) · 19 hours ago
Steam is the mirror of the future. This is a boon for writers in the future. Steam gives the authors the opportunity to show their talents. steem market again recover and steem will be top 10 cryptocurrency in coin market cap.

2 votes

[-]nitindafda (25) · 19 hours ago
well said. i explained that why bitcoin downfall ?

4 votes

[-]mazzle (61) · 9 minutes ago
Hilarious and shameless promotion of plagiarised material.


[-]berniesanders (65) · 10 hours ago
The “lost boy” look is totally appropriate, but doesn’t help your case @jerrybanfield.

8 votes

[-]malloryblythe (54) · 19 hours ago
I dunno man. I don’t think this is affecting the current price as much as you think it is. Pardon me for saying it, but I think you think that it’s affecting price that much because the looming threat of downvotes affects people in your tier. I personally don’t know a single person in the 59ish rep and under range in my communities who has ever been downvoted or even thinks about the possibility.

Those of us who have Blockfolios loaded with alts can see that all altcoins have taken a heavy beating in the past couple months, because the price fluctuations of all cryptos that aren’t Bitcoin are basically just spillover from what’s happening with Bitcoin. Ultimately, not enough people know about STEEM’s true potential and until that changes it will be coupled in public perception with Bitcoin and will follow the rest of the market’s fluctuations. Either cryptos in general will have to recover in the market, or STEEM needs to be removed from the crypto market’s fluctuations altogether. As it stands, few crypto investors know much about Steemit. I’m part of a big group chat with about 25 serious crypto investors and when I brought it up with them nobody even really knew what I was talking about, or knew anything about STEEM at all.

2 votes

[-]uvas (44) · 1 hour ago
haha, go poke a whale a few times...they will be happy to downvote you.


[-]malloryblythe (54) · 1 hour ago
I’ve been pretty blunt to a few whales when I thought they were acting like bullies or that they were acting out of line and none of them have ever actually downvoted me for it. But I also don’t go running my mouth off to people where it’s not warranted in general in life. I try to keep my behavior online in tune with my real life values. But maybe I shouldn’t jinx it and say it’ll never happen because that’s just asking for someone to get me to make a point...


[-]bitcoincompany (64) · 15 hours ago
bitcoin market is down just have patient it wil recover.

4 votes

[-]khoa (56) · 14 hours ago
If you hold on it could go to zero, will lose everything.

1 vote

[-]malloryblythe (54) · 8 hours ago
In theory we’ve all made sure not to invest more than we can afford to lose... right?

1 vote

[-]debu007 (32) · 15 hours ago
this is the we have to support crypto market

1 vote

[-]bitcoincompany (64) · 15 hours ago
steem is the best platform you should be patient or you sell and wil cry later same like dash you did..

5 votes

[-]blasterking (30) · 15 hours ago
yeah you are right brother @bitcoincompany

1 vote

[-]debu007 (32) · 15 hours ago
i agree with you

1 vote

[-]anujneo (26) · 15 hours ago
You are absolutely right @bitcoincompany


[-]drakos (66) · 9 hours ago
When you realize every one downvoting my recent stand up comedy cared more about trying to teach me a lesson than giving you an upvote on your post, then we see the real problem.

Don't you think the flags were a result of the offensive content of that post? And why are you still making videos naked?

Without the downvotes, this place will turn into a clusterfuck of reward pool abuse.

You lost your top 20 position because of the content of that "standup comedy", it had nothing to do with the downvotes issue and it happened before that. Haven't you read the comments on that post from your main whale supporters who pulled their vote for you?

3 votes

[-]themarkymark (71) · 8 hours ago
I have zero tolerance for plagiarism.

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Flagged for copy/paste @steemflagrewards.
How is it ok for you to just copy selected comments and paste them into a post? People like you are whats wrong with steemit and people like me want to make it better. Gosh you are so creative!

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