When searching for reliable hosting, you'll probably stumble upon Cloud hosting or VPS hosting. And even if they both may look the same, they are designed to support different projects. And if you are searching for hosting with privacy strengthening features, you should look for anonymous VPS or anonymous hosting. Anonymous VPS is a type of VPS allowing users to host their data anonymously, without their true identity exposure.
It's essential to know the differences between anonymous VPS and Cloud hosting. To figure out which of those options is best for you, let's explain the main features of each, as well as the differences, pros, and cons.
What is VPS hosting?
Virtual Private Server, mostly known as VPS, has become the most popular hosting service for various online projects. VPS hosting uses one physical server virtually divided into many individual virtual servers. A virtual server simulates a physical server, and this virtual machine shares space between several users. Virtualization software segments this physical server into virtual servers programmed to standalone servers. Each programmed segment shares the overall resources of one physical server, but there's no direct competition. With VPS hosting, you'll get full root access, and you can configure your operating system and software in any way you like.
What is Cloud hosting?
The significant difference between Cloud hosting and VPS hosting is that cloud hosting uses multiple physical servers to maximize performance. It means that you'll be using resources and processing power from many physical servers all over the world. Each of these servers is connected in a global virtual environment. Since you're globally sharing resources, performance and security might get affected by what happens to others using the same hosting. And you may not have access to all the features VPS hosting offers — like root access or other advanced settings.
VPS vs. Cloud hosting
Performance is one of the key elements to consider when choosing the best hosting plan. VPS hosting offers an excellent performance because your server resources are guaranteed. Yet VPS hosting might have performance limitations since the other users host their data on one physical server — even though you have your separate space. However, VPS hosting services tend to have pretty high performance, so you shouldn't be affected by other projects hosted on your VPS server.
Cloud hosting can provide the same performance during high-demand periods because the needs of all projects on the network are split between various servers. Thanks to this diversification, Cloud hosting offers impressive uptime. Backups are built into the system, so if one server fails or becomes unresponsive due to many requests, another one will instantly fetch the requested data.
Online security is a legitimate concern these days. Any online project can be hacked, and the consequences might be significant. Security and privacy begin where and how you host your data.
VPS hosting gives you a high degree of security. VPS hosting operates separately from other projects sharing the same physical server, protecting it from outside access. Many VPS providers resell professional hosting solutions like DigitalOcean, and their security measures are equivalent to those placed by DO. Security with both types of hosting should be solid, but VPS hosting offers slightly better protection than Cloud one.
Don't forget that you are also responsible for your data security, and the level of protection depends on your actions towards customizations and installations.
Anonymous VPS
Anonymity is another privacy strengthening feature offered by anonymous VPS. Only anonymous hosting will let you rent a server without the need to provide any personally identifiable information (PII). It doesn't matter if you're hosting controversial or politically sensitive data or if you are only looking for anonymous image hosting or anonymous video hosting; anonymous hosting will keep you well under the radar.
When signing up, you don't have to provide your real name, phone number. No verification is needed, and all you'll need is your email address. Anonymous crypto payment method is the only option to pay for your anonymous hosting space. You'll get to choose from various datacenters worldwide; therefore, many offshore hosting companies don't compel DMC takedown notices thanks to different offshore jurisdictions.
VPS or Cloud hosting?
Ultimately, it all depends on your project nature, and choosing the right hosting depends on the purpose you wish to use it for. If your project is robust and must handle many requests, Cloud hosting might be a better choice. On the other hand, VPS is more cost-effective, requires less technical knowledge, and thus, is easier to manage.
With both hosting options, you can quickly increase your server's memory and processing power when it comes to scalability. Still, a virtual machine hosted on a physical server has specific resources that can be delivered. But if you need more resources, you can quickly scale up your VPS hosting plan without any server downtime.
Is your online project relatively small, and your monthly traffic is predictable? Have you got the basic technical knowledge necessary to set up all security features like SSH key and customize your server? Are you worried about your privacy?
Well, then anonymous VPS is the ideal choice. VPS is powerful and offers enhanced performance. It's a strong choice for any online project that expects the consistency of a stable hosting solution.
But if your online project is growing large and gets unpredictable traffic spikes, you should look for Cloud hosting. Cloud hosting offers you excellent server power, but you need specific knowledge to customize cloud-based servers.