Nutritional solutions for anorexia

in anorexia •  6 years ago  (edited)

Nutrition is important to stimulate good eating and good digestion. In order to ensure nutrition, children need to be provided with plenty of protein, sugar, fat, minerals, micronutrients, etc. However, it is simple to process, do not synthesize a lot of food in a The food is so indigestible and the children are more anorexic. It is difficult to change dishes, attention to flavor, color, nutrition to enhance the appetite in the baby.

With animal-based foods, bake for easy digestion. In addition, you should also add more easy to swallow and almost any baby like: butter, cheese, eggs, yogurt, ... baby. Can use fruit to make vitamins or juices, children will prefer. Try some vegetables such as cabbage, carrots ... to these vitamins to increase nutrition. Children love multicolored foods, so make the change by making the fried rice and scooping dishes, the difference the child will want to eat.

For baby cravings, do not give children candy in 2-3 hours before eating. Eating time should also be noted, the most reasonable is 20 - 30 minutes because if prolonged food is not hot, do not ensure nutrition and affect the next meal.

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