in another •  3 years ago 

I believe you all know what pi is

Update on the Home screen of the Pi App

If you've opened your Pi App this Morning, you'll notice Pi Network Officially now has an Explorer of its Own 🚀🥳

What's a Blockchain Explorer & what's the benefit: Blockchain Explorers are like Public Record Systems or Search Engine where you can go to and get information about a particular transaction and also confirm its Status. Example if Pioneer A sends some Pi to Pioneer B, either of them can easily go to the Pi Explorer, input your Pi Address to confirm the Status of the Transaction. Just like other Blockchains out there

A Big Step to Pi Network Mainnet 🚀

Please Note: There's no need to tap on the "Create Wallet" Tab, to create another wallet, if you've already created a wallet via the Pi Browser before now. That Wallet still Counts.

Remember: 100 Test Pi isn't Real Pi, Don't be Stingy, Make someone Smile today with some Test Pi 😁😁 😁

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