Another 2012 ‧ Anime ‧ 1 season

in another •  3 years ago 

Anime: Another
Total EP :12


27 years ago, there was a girl named Misaki, who was in ninth grade, she was very good at sports and studying!
Everyone from the teacher to the class loved and loved him!
Their classroom was class three.

The girl died suddenly, some say in a plane crash, some say in a road accident!
Everyone was shocked at his death, suddenly one of the class said, look! Misaki is not dead, she is alive, Oito is sitting in her seat.
When I saw him, some others said, "Yes, yes, he is sitting here."

Its effects spread throughout the class, including Sir Madames.
They caught this lie because none of them could accept Misaki's sudden death!

The teachers also said, this time all of you study together again, do well, complete graduation.
The teachers always reserved a seat and exam papers for Misaki.

Years have passed, everyone has completed graduation, everyone
took group photos together at the time of farewell!

Misaki can also be seen in the corner in that photo

The year after Misaki's death, when they started the term anew, there was always a seat short for all the students in the class.
They have checked the record / list and tried it again and again, but there is always a short.
In that classroom comes an extra student, who occupies the seat, so that even if a seat is made for everyone by calculation, one seat remains short.

But they can't find any extra students. And when that happens, one student of that class dies every month, and even the families of the students in that class are not spared.
To stop this they change the class, change the name of the class, but that doesn't work either.
This goes on for ten years.

Eventually they come up with a solution,
select one of the students in the class, then treat that student and the rest of the students + with the teacher as if it does not exist.
This creates a companion for the unknown extra student. And the murder is over!

Who is that extra student?
Who comes?
--Someone comes to study in this class, but Allready is dead.
Why is this happening?

  • What they did after Misaki died 26 years ago, they all acted / pretended as if Misaki was not killed, they were taking classes with them, taking exams together
    From there the circle is created, something is created in the classroom number three, which keeps calling the urine, leading to death.

Come this time now,
after 28 years!

A boy named comes to study in that school,
his seat is also in 3rd class.
Everyone greeted him warmly, the boy met a strange girl named Amchaka.
She tries to get to know him better!
He noticed one more thing, no one was taking care of the girl named 'B', they were treating her as if she had no existence.

His interest grows even more!
As he continued to talk, several of his classmates persuaded him (which they should have done in the beginning, but it was too late).

As a result, the circle starts again, the student starts dying again.
They are forced to select the 'A' boy as the 'B' girl, and everyone treats him as if he does not exist.

In turn, the boy can know the above things from the girl!

What is going to happen this time?
Where will the event take a turn?
What's going to get worse?
How will they handle it?

This time it is the reader's turn to sit down and watch,
dive into this wonderful anime
on such a rainy night.
Theme / background music will create a great atmosphere, the two will blend into one.

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