The Anti-Cancer Diet: 8 Foods That Could Prevent Cancer

in anti-cancer •  6 years ago 

The Anti-Cancer Diet: 7 Foods That Could Prevent Cancer
Conclusion. Hippocrates, the “father of modern medicine” said “Let food by thy medicine, and medicine be thy food.” Some 2500 years ago, the man was on to something. Foods can fight cancer, one of the two leading killers of Americans. Add good foods like the seven listed above to help your body fight off cancer and aid you through cancer treatment. egg-2048476_1920.jpgYou might not be able to completely cure cancer with food but helping your body to be healthier can only help you. And… stop eating the bad stuff like trans fats (hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated oils) and artificial anything.healthy-997541_1920 (1).jpgsteam-1269716_1920.jpgstrawberries-3359755_1920.jpgcarrots-673184_1920-2.jpgtomatoes-320860_1920.jpgturmeric-3251560_1920.jpgberries-1838314_1920.jpg

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