Vaxxed the documentary illicits such irrational responses, why?

in anti-vaccine •  7 years ago 

I haven't yet seen the Vaxxed documentary, nor have many of my friends and family, but I'm aware of the premise. Essentially it covers CDC data released which throws out disagreeing data as "outlying".

I'm not fully on either "side" of the battle as I prefer common sense for my kids. My question however, why do people become so irrational when they hear about this sort of thing?

The only response I've got from anyone is,

  • "Oh, you're one of those conspiracy theorist wackos that doesn't vaccinate your kids and gets everyone else sick, aren't you?"

( a close second and by far my "favorite" response, "why do you hate science", especially from the people who have never actually read or understood a study.)


  • "We've known for years that vaccines are causing autism. I'm so relieved it's finally getting some press coverage."

The thing I don't understand, why do you have to be for or against everything? You have to either love and 100% comply with the vaccine schedule or you're killing babies and elderly. Versus the other option, you have to be totally against vaccines because they cause autism in 100% of anyone who gets one.

Why has the world come to this point of being so deep in the proverbial Kool-aid that you don't know the flavor, or being so far out of the Kool-aid that you can't see a colored, sugary beverage in front of you.

Why are people so incapable of hearing an opposing opinion?

What it all boils down to for me is the fact that I'm the only person responsible for my kid's health and well being. Herd immunity is a myth, something like 10% of American adults get boosters. I still vaccinate my kids though, but 1 vaccine at a time. (Yes, I understand combos are multiple together) Turns out most medical providers have no idea the reaction a couple vaccines willl create as was evident when my oldest at the age of 8 almost died from 2 given together and "they" assured us were totally safe when given together. Turns out when we went back to the office freaking out, they actually read the documentation and found that the symptoms went from .5% to 12% risk when those 2 vaccines were given together.

Bottom line, there is a LOT of science & facts on both sides of every argument. Don't be an A-hole and just hear people out. Don't shout people down, don't insist they agree with you. If you can't handle differing opinions or respectful disagreement, stay home.

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