Be Brave! Tell your Vaccine-Injury Story

in anti-vaccines •  9 years ago  (edited)

Why do so many still believe that vaccine injuries are rare? Supposedly one-in-a-million?

It’s because families of the injured, and the injured themselves, have been bullied into silence. I HATE BULLYING! I will fight tooth and nail with a bully! Don't let them silence you anymore.

When you take the time (and are brave enough) to talk to the people in your life and new people that you meet about their views on vaccines, you will probably find as I have that there are many, many people around you that have had a bad experience with vaccines. They are everywhere! But most of them will stay quiet unless you ask and unless they feel safe enough to tell you their sad story. These people have been scorned and told that they are lying or that they are anti-science or that they are one-in-a-million and should not make other people question vaccine safety by sharing their stories.

Please watch Del Bigtree’s magnificent speech called “BE BRAVE” given at the 2nd Annual Health Freedom Rally. I felt like yelling and jumping up and down with the crowd. I am so thankful that we have a hero now like Del Bigtree to help bring people out of their slumber and to wake up the world to what has really been happening … and to STOP THE BULLYING now! Be Brave people!

Del Bigtree is the Director of the most talked about documentary in the world right now, “VAXXED: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe”

In a future post, I will review VAXXED. It has finally become available to Stream online in the USA and Canada.

I want to share just my most recent example of how vaccine injury is everywhere.
I was at a ladies retreat and was having what I thought was a private conversation with a friend who has the same views of vaccines that I do. Another lady that I didn't really know, overheard us and walked up and said, "THEY CAN'T TELL YOU THAT THE VACCINES DIDN'T CAUSE YOUR CHILD'S AUTISM WHEN YOU SAW IT WITH YOUR OWN EYES!" Then she proceeded to tell us how she is bothered that this issue has become so polarized and people are so mean when you share what really happened to you and that you do not want to further vaccinate your children. Now this was just 3 months ago. Stuff like this happens to me frequently. The people are everywhere with their vaccine injury stories. We can't pretend it doesn't happen and that we should keep sacrificing the few for the many. No parent wants to sacrifice their own child for the supposed "Greater Good." I'm not going to light my child on fire to keep your's warm.

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WOOOW! Incredible post! @canadian-coconut I am so proud of you being brave and standing up to the bullies. I am so happy and thrilled you came over to STEEMIT and spoke your experience and shared this INCREDIBLE, passionate, off the cuff speech from one of the greatest living revolutionaries I´ve seen on the planet, Del Bigtree, saving millions of children from damage

Thanks for your kind review. I feel the tide is finally turning and its so nice to see.

Thanks for sharing and your contributionism! I am one of you, my three kids are not vaccinated and they are one of the healthiest in their nursery groups. What bothers me a lot is that the truth is coming out so slowly and the people are so ignorant...

"They" have done an excellent job in using language to stop progress or silence people, with the use of terms like "anti-vaxxer" or "anti-science" or "conspiracy theorist" that instantly remove credibility from the speaker. They even have autism at the center of these discussions, when I think parents are more concerned about the health (because autism can be debilitating but it's nowhere near the worst side effect I've heard about) of their children, more than whether or not they turn out "normal" mentally. But, like you said, the bullying has to stop. And what better way to stop it than to plow straight through the attempted insults and continue to stand up for what we know to be true for ourselves? Love this post.

Thank-you for your kind review. We need to all have each other's back when someone is bold enough to share about vaccine injury or share why they have avoided vaccines. It's easier to stand up to the bullies when you know that you have support, and that in time the bullies will probably to realize how wrong they were.

Awesome! I know that my son was brain damaged from high fever after being vaxxed but Dr. said it was normal that some children experience a fever and that my son would be "Ok." I think my son will never know how much I miss the child he was prior to vax. My son was healthy until I was dumb enough to trust the Dr. My son is now 32 but still struggling with being brain damaged. I know this is the most serious issue for all parents to be concerned about in California.

Thank-you for Standing Up and telling your true story of vaccine injury. I am so sorry that this happened to your family. ((hugs)) Take care,

This is an excellent post! I was just having a conversation with my mother about this very issue! Here, in America, many states practically FORCE parents to vaccinate their children. In order to get around it, parents often have to prove a religious reason to avoid having Child Services become involved, threaten their parental rights, and/or public school systems refusing to allow the children to receive the education guaranteed to all citizens. The funny thing is that they preach how "necessary" vaccines are for prevention and protection for your child from these diseases, and how the "benefit far outweighs the risk", however, when a case of Measels or something pops up, the FIRST thing that is said is how the unvaccinated individual is putting the entire population at risk. The parent is belittled, and sometimes even threatened with criminal charges, because her sick child put everyone else's child in danger of contracting this terrible disease (and don't get me wrong, it IS terrible!!). HOWEVER...if the whole point of your child being vaccinated is to build immunity and keep them from contracting these diseases, how, then, is it a danger to the vaccinated kids if an unvaccinated child happens to come down with one of the diseases? Isn't that a counterproductive argument that runs in circles with no end?? If vaccines keep kids from getting those illnesses, then a child with no vaccines who contracts an illness should not be able to give the disease to a vaccinated theory...right? So why is it that if MY child doesn't have her shots, then she somehow puts every other vaccinated child in mortal danger of getting these illnesses that they HAVE had shots to protect them against??
Love this much!

Thank-you #Syykkogrl . I know what you mean. If vaccines are as great as they say then the vaccinated person should feel safe whether or not anyone around them is vaccinated or not. I remember years back travelling to El Salvador and getting my Hep A Series because I had been told the water there was contaminated with Hep A. I asked what other vaccines I might need. In my mind at the time, I thought that the vaccines made it safe for me to travel where the Hep A virus was common and others weren't vaccinated against it. Now I find out that people are being made to feel that their vaccines won't work unless EVERYONE else around them has the vaccine too!? I read a story of a woman at the vet with her dog who had put her dog on the floor in the waiting room. She was told by the vet not to put her dog down as other dogs with Parvo had been in the room, and this woman replied that it wasn't a problem because her dog was vaccinated and safe. But the vet said, "Oh, that doesn't mean that your dog can't still catch Parvo."
Oh, and what are "Boosters" except an admission that the vaccines don't work for very long. It was once believe that one measles vaccine protected for life, then they added a booster, then another booster, and now they are telling adults to go get another measles booster if there is an outbreak in their area.

To me all this shows that the vaccines are not effective anyways. Plus they carry risks. But they want to force us all to take a risky vaccine that likely doesn't work anyways? It's a pretty crazy world out there.

awesome! I vaccinated my child as per doctors order...didn't know any better...then as I started to look into it I stopped. Then when my child was going into grade 8 I got "The Letter" Complete her Vaccines or she will be expelled from school. So I did...and 9 months later she was diagnosed with MS. Her blood was riddled with high levels of aluminum and mercury. Now the bullying has gone from vaccines to MS drugs. This time I won't be bullied.

Oh #starkgrl ! I am so sorry that they bullied you into a vaccine injury. Yes, the bullying has to stop! Vaccine Injuries have to be acknowledged and a parent has to be allowed to weigh the risks versus benefits of any vaccine.
Thank you for being BRAVE and Standing Up with your own personal story. They can not tell you that your own personal story is wrong or not worthy of being heard. If enough people share, they will have to finally acknowledge how common vaccine damage is.

Exactly! We need to know our rights as parents and act on the rights. I did get another letter recently and I just printed out the exemption form and brought it to my PM office and now we are left alone on that front. My daughter is seeing a Functional Medicine Doctor and it has been a year of healing so far. The heavy metals are out of her body, and next working on the viral load (viruses she was exposed to by vaccines...duh!) and then we will continue to heal her. She is a year with no symptoms now. But I do have to go down to Sick Kids (toronto) and be told that she has MS, there is NO CURE, and that she WILL PROGRESS. I smile and nod...she may or may not have MS anymore, there is a cause, so of course there is a cure and no she will not progress. And thank you for your words...being BRAVE is especially difficult.

Thanks for posting. There's a local showing of "VAXXED: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe" at the Crow Canyon Cinemas in San Ramon on September 8 at 7:30 p.m. and Kent Heckinlively will be leading a Q and A session after the film. For those concerned about government misconduct, it doesn't get any bigger than harming children. This link has information about the movie and allows you to buy your tickets and guarantee the showing: - if you're in the area please purchase a ticket and attend.