There is no contradiction in being an anti-consumerist, anti-materialist capitalist.

in anti •  9 months ago 


Like... You can still believe a free market helps a greater amount of people than it's realistic alternatives, and still believe that after a certain point individual excessive wealth has a detrimental effect on happiness and human flourishing.

Capitalism does more to lift up the poor than to make the rich happy by a wide margin, and I'm comfortable with that trade off. The poor deserve the gains of capitalism and if the rich don't appreciate their wealth, that's on them and they should pull themselves up by their bootstraps emotionally.

Mo' money doesn't always bring mo' happiness. An excessive focus on money can bring unhappiness. Realizing people will generally strive towards it regardless, and harnessing that knowledge to direct that instinct to the greater good in service of the whole is still important.

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