George Soros is funding the independence of Catalonia

in antifa •  7 years ago 

It has got to be the weirdest thing to have one man with so many fingers in so many pies. How does he do it? How does he get folks to go along with his plans and strategies? Is everything about money? No moral compass. No high ideals? No commitment to the higher good, anymore andywhere?
It's almost like every where you turn, he pops up. They are saying that the purple revolution with Clinton backed Antifa is losing its muster. But divide and conquer is still the "all options on the table" go to. So what will they generate next?
I once saw an article where the Antifa protestors were demanding that George pay them. Hmmm, does he renig on his promises and does not pay these protesters from time to time?

With the economy in the tank, it's almost believable that folks would sell out for a few dollars. But seriously, how many fingers can one man have in so many pies? What actually is his financial status coming from to begin with..?

I need to look that up. How did he become a Billionaire and have so much power over so many happenings in so many countries. He's like a one man CIA/MOSSAD Operation.

Original Article

In 2014, George Soros’s Foundation, Open Society Initiative for Europe, funded organizations fighting for the independence of Catalonia. This is what La Vangardia revealed last year (2016).

According to internal documents the Soros Foundation provided:

  • 27,049 dollars to the Consell de Diplomàcia Pública de Catalunya (Catalonia’s Council for Public Diplomacy in Catalonia), an organization that Catalonia’s Generalitat [Translator’s note: this is the institutional framework for Catalonia’s independence] established with different private partners; and - 24 973 dollars to the Centre d’Informació i Documentació Internacionals a Barcelona (the Barcelona Centre for International Information and Documentation, which we will call “BCIID”). BCIID is an independent think tank.

The BCIID is playing the role of the Premier Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs for the “Generalitat of Catalonia”. It is defending every issue from the same perspective as Hillary Clinton.

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