in antiseptic •  7 years ago 

Chemicals required Measurement

  1. Texapor ¼ Kg
  2. Phenol ¼ liter
  3. Pine oil ½ liter
  4. Carbolic ½ liter
  5. Lysol ½ liter
  6. Water 15 liter
  7. Izal Booster ½ liter
  8. Izal Concentrate ½ liter
  9. Whitener ½ liter

Step 1: Measure the Texapor into your mixing tank.
Step 2: Add the phenol and stir until completely dissolved (do not allow the phenol to touch the skin to avoid burns).
Step 3: Add the pine oil and keep stirring.
Step 4: Also add the Carbolic and keep stirring (if there is no carbolic, double whitener).
Step 5: Add the Lysol as stirring continues.
Step 6: Now add the water and stir vigorously.
Step 7: Add the booster as stirring continues.
Step 8: Add the concentrate.
Step 9: Finally add the whitener and stir vigorously.

           Your Izal is ready.

Note: In the absence of Carbolic, double the measurement of whitener

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