Grievance Studies Affair - Academics Submitted "Mein Kampf" to Gender Studies Journals and got Accepted

in antisjw •  6 years ago 

"We rewrote a section of Mein Kampf as intersectional feminism, and this journal has accepted it..."

It has long been known to most reasonable people that most feminist, gender, fat acceptance, and similar "studies" departments don't exactly have the most rigorous academic standards. In fact, they are pretty much a joke. Many of their studies have terrible methodology and are really just based around confirming the author's already existing assumptions. However, it's always good to be able to provide a stark example when making assertions like this. Fortunately, late last year a few academics decided to do just that.

In a study that has been referred to by many names, from The Grievance Studies Study, Grievance Studies Affair, to "Sokal Squared" (a reference to the Sokal study in the 90s, where Sokal submitted an utterly meaningless study to a postmodernist journal and got it published), a group of academics submitted incredibly racist and unscientific studies to various journals. They ended up calling the fields of gender, women's, sexuality, race, fat acceptance, and similar studies "Grievance Studies" so as to have a collective term. Their goal of course, was to point out the lax research standards in these fields, and let the world know that a lot of their conclusions might be based on faulty methods or assumptions. After all, accuracy should be the ultimate goal of all research. For what it's worth, they all identify with the political Left, to varied degrees.

They were ultimately successful in getting seven studies accepted, including one that was a section from Hitler's Mein Kampf. All they had to do to Mein Kampf was exchange a few words. They changed Hitler's derision of Jews and advocacy for Nazism to derision of "privilege" and advocating for "Feminism". With just those phrases exchanged for each other, the study was accepted into the journal Affilia, a journal that has been a bedrock of feminist studies for over 30 years. It is allegedly peer-reviewed, which means that several feminist scholars looked at this study and approved it's publication.

A paper on how dogs humping each other in public parks promotes rape culture was accepted by Gender, Place & Culture: A Journal of Feminist Geography. They even honored it with a special award for high quality research. For what it it worth, the paper "proposed that men should be 'trained like we do dogs to prevent rape culture'".

Five additional studies were being considered for publication, with four of those having had various revisions requested, and the last under initial consideration.

See the following video for more information on these studies, as well as commentaries from the researchers themselves. Unfortunately, they have all been targeted by their universities for disciplinary proceedings.

Welcome, to Sokal Squared:

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I'm shocked I tell you!
