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This article is a short introduction to French researcher extraordinaire Anton Parks, author of The Chronicles of the Gírkù and numerous essays.

The Phenomenon of Anton Parks: has Anton Parks, French self-educated author, produced in Le Secret des Étoiles Sombres an epic accounting, a mythology, a saga of science fiction and heroic fantasy, or a "history" book? Parks' work remains unclassifiable as it poses the essential questions: what was happening on the earth before the coming of man? What led to and provoked the advent of the human civilizations? The author of Le Secret des Étoiles Sombres enthralls thousands of readers around the world with his epic report on the origin of human civilization. But let us not be mistaken: in this novelistic form, Parks may have restored to us our true genesis, that which figures in the Sumerian texts, clairvoyantly decrypted and presented without complexity.
-- Nexus Magazine (French Edition) Nos. 43-44, Spring-Summer 2006
We are the fruit of complex interactions with extraterrestrial entities that we have long taken for the "Gods". Far from the paradigms of Darwinism and creationism, Parks proposes an exogenesis of humanity based on the decryption of great fundamental myths, but also on Sumerian and biblical texts. A fascinating voyage to our ultimate origins.
-- Karmapolis in Nexus Magazine (French Edition) No. 50, May-June 2007
Although now a bit outdated (2006-2010), I will refer you in the meantime to Gerry Zeitlin's (R.I.P.) brilliant analysis of volumes I & II of The Chronicles of the Gírkù as a start. Gerry was an engineer involved in the SETI project. His collaboration work with Anton Parks was interrupted following some kind of psyop in 2010. Gerry's wife Malou died soon after and himself got seriously sick before dying at the end of 2014. His work was then transferred to the Fractal Field website for archiving purposes. However, part of the code is now broken and the menu bar on the left is rendered unusable, which makes navigation difficult (you have to use the links at the bottom of each page.)
Gerry's last communication was in May 2014:
Early in 2010, a deliberate and skillful manipulation of information resulted in the disruption of the deep collaboration that had existed between the Parks and Zeitlin couples. Books in process were totally revised and, when they were published, they were tragically ignored from this side for four long years. Now in the spring of 2014, we are trying to repair the damage. Malou Zeitlin is gone and Gerry Zeitlin is dealing with life-threatening illnesses. Anton Parks and Gerry Zeitlin are doing our best to normalize, but Gerry has to go a long way just to cover the books that are now in print.
What is now seen as the first Volume of this Chronicles series, Le Livre de Nuréa, is in process of being written and is planned for publication in the third trimester of 2014. Information and news concerning this book can be found at AntonParks.com.
I also added an article I originally posted on the Project Avalon forum in February of 2010, related to Zecharia Sitchin's (R.I.P.) assertions and how they compare to the information Anton Parks received. I made minor corrections to the original post. At the time I was severely critical of Sitchin's work but I'm now inclined to think he truly knew the Sumerian language and the real history of this planet. I still think however he was a disinfo agent spreading falsehoods mixed with thruths.
Translation of Anton Parks' books in English and Spanish are still ongoing. So far, only Le Secret des Étoiles Sombres (The Secret of the Dark Stars) and the essay Eden have been translated in English. Things got complicated by the fact he cancelled his contract with French publisher Nouvelle Terre and set up his own publishing company, Pahana Books.
Following new information he received in 2013, he wrote volume 0 of The Chronicles of the Gírkù which was published in 2015, ten years after volume I. Volume 0, Le Livre de Nuréa (The Book of Nuréa) is even more staggering and sheds new light on the Gnostic texts of Nag Hammadi. In 2016 was published a rewritten version of volume I, Le Secret des Étoiles Sombres (The Secret of the Dark Stars) in which he incorporated new information which ties in with volume 0. He is now in the process of rewriting volume II, Ádam Genisiš, and volume III, Le Réveil du Phénix (The Awakening of the Phoenix). Two more volumes are planned: L'Oracle (The Oracle) and Moytura, which will conclude the series.
Article from 2010: questioning Zecharia Sitchin's work
I. Introduction
It's been quite a number of years now that many researchers in the field of ET/UFO have used Zecharia Stichin's (unproven) statements to support the idea that humanity was a creation of extra-terrestrial beings named ANUNNAKI, whose planet of origin is NIBIRU.
Although my own research has led me to the conclusion that humanity is the creation (through genetic programming and cloning) of reptilian beings which were not of our solar system, there is absolutely no (known) Mesopotamian clay tablet which supports Sitchin’s specific arguments.
Sitchin has never answered to any of his critics, and the only reference he gave (seal VA-243) has no astronomical value whatsoever.
II. A list of some of Sitchin's errors
This is not the home planet of the ANUNNA(KI).
The only home of the ANUNNA(KI) mentioned in the Sumerian tablets is the DUKU(G) ("holy mound" in Sumerian.) Moreover, Sumerian astronomical texts state that NIBIRU was visible in the sky every year, thus dismissing the possibility of an outer planet with a long elliptical orbit of 3,600 years.
According to Anton Parks' own research (see references below), NIBIRU (NEBERU in Akkadian) is the planet Venus, the celestial disrupter. In Egyptian, NEB-HERU means "The Lord Horus." HORUS is associated with the Morning Star, Venus, just as the Christ (KRST.)
2.1 They were not the Sumerian chief gods
The Sumerian chiefs gods were the USHUMGAL whose supreme chief was AN.
A decomposition of the word USHUMGAL in Sumero-Akkadian particles gives: USHUM (dragon, monarch) - GAL (great) thus « great dragon or monarch. »
According to Anton Parks, the seven USHUMGAL who ruled over KALAM (Sumer) were AN, ANSHAR, KISHAR, LAHMU, LAHAMU, ENLIL and NINMAH. However, technically (genetically) ENLIL and NINMAH were not USHUMGAL. ENLIL was a NUNGAL (flawed first generation) and NINMAH (who had the knowledge of cloning) was an AMASHUTUM priestess.
The ANUNNA(KI) were merely warriors without any knowledge of genetics and cloning. All of these reptilian creatures called themselves GINA'ABUL ("lizard" in Sumerian) or GI-NA-AB-UL ("veritable ancestor of the splendor").
2.2 The word ANUNNAKI does not mean "those from heaven who came to earth"
The compound word ANUNNAKI is decomposed as such: ANUNNA - KI (Earth) thus "ANUNNA of the Earth."
A decomposition of the word ANUNNA in Sumero-Akkadian particles gives: A (offspring) - NUN (prince) - NA (genitive suffix) thus "noble stock" or "princely progeny."
ANUNNA also means fear or dread.
2.3 They were not mining gold for the purpose of repairing the atmosphere of their home planet
As stated in section II.1, NIBIRU is not the home planet of the ANUNNA(KI), and nowhere on any clay tablet is stated that they were mining gold with the goal of repairing its atmosphere.
According to Anton Parks, the home planet of the ANUNNA(KI) is rightly the DUKU which is located in the UBSHU'UKKINA (the star Maia) system in MULMUL (the Pleiades.)
The meaning of this word is not "those who came down from above."
Since NEPHILIM is plural, and if that word comes from the Hebrew NAPHAL (to fall), then the closest translation would be "those who are fallen."
A decomposition of the word NEPHILIM in Sumero-Akkadian particles reveals an interesting meaning (no 'F/PH' in Sumerian so we use 'H' instead): NE (fear) - HI'IL'IM (Emesal dialect for Sumerian HA-LAM (destruction)) thus "fear and destruction."
According to Anton Parks, the NEPHILIM were the SHEMSU ("followers" in Egyptian) of HERU/HORUS. They are not to be mistaken with the Watchers of the Bible, who he equates with the NUNGAL/IGIGI, the SHEMSU of ENKI/ASAR/OSIRIS.
Sitichin is right to observe that the Hebrew word ELOHIM is (feminine!) plural, suggesting that the "Adamic" lines of the Genesis were the product of a group of creators, and not IHVH. However, as some believe, this word does not mean at all "the shining ones" or any similar appellation. Neither there is any hint that these creators were the ANUNNA(KI).
A decomposition in Sumero-Akkadian particles reveals the original, hidden meaning of the word (no 'O' in Sumerian so we use 'U' instead): EL/IL (elevated) - U (powerful) - HI (to mix) - IM (clay) thus "the powerful elevated beings who mixed the clay." In the context of the Genesis, the clay symbolizes Man, the clay being.
Anton Parks equates the ELOHIM with the KADISHTU ("ancient assemblers of life" in Sumerian), a confederation of life designing races which had the responsibility of our solar system (TIAMATE.)
III. Conclusion
Aside from Anton Parks' own assertions, what I have stated above are facts that anybody endowed with critical thinking can check for themselves. I think it is time for the ET/UFO researchers to cease to repeat Sitchin's statements without even bothering to check their validity.
Supporters of Sitchin's ideas should have a look at Michael Heiser's critical analysis of his work. Although Heiser does not support the Ancient Astronauts hypothesis, he is a linguist (M.A. and Ph.D. in Hebrew Bible and Semitic Languages) and his analysis is nonetheless rigorous.
For an alternative and completely original analysis of the ancient Sumerian, Egyptian and Biblical texts, I highly recommend anybody with an interest in ET/UFO and human origins to have a look at the research work of Anton Parks (www.antonparks.com and www.fractalfield.com/zeitlin).
Quote from Guy Malone :
A popular guest on Coast to Coast AM, Art Bell says "Mike [Michael Heiser] is uniquely qualified to discuss the relationship between ancient texts and ufology..." Mike has appeared twice a year since 2000, with Art Bell, George Noory and Barbara Simpson, answering questions pertaining to the Nephilim of Genesis 6 and his critiques of Zechariah Sitchin's errors. Upon hearing only one of these shows, speaker and author Jim Marrs told Mike that he wished he'd heard Mike Heiser's analysis before endorsing Zecharia Sitchin in his book, Alien Agenda.
Quote from Gerry Zeitlin :
Throughout his books, and in public talks, Zecharia Sitchin has ascribed the remarkable longevity of the Anunnaki to their home dwelling place, the planet Nibiru, whose orbital period is 3600 earth years. This, he says, means that every year of the life of an Anunnaki god equals 3600 years of earth human life. That no one challenges Sitchin on this nutty idea is a tribute to the cultish quality of his following. However he was challenged once - by me [Gerry Zeitlin], at a public appearance in the Bay area. I simply asked him how he might justify the assertion that longevity and aging are linked to the length of a planet's year. His reply: "Next question?"
IV. References
Anton Parks' research work available at: www.antonparks.com
Gerry Zeitlin's study of Anton Parks' work available at: www.fractalfield.com/zeitlin
Michael Heiser's critique of Zecharia Sitchin's work available at: www.michaelsheiser.com
John A. Halloran’s Sumerian lexicon available for free at: www.sumerian.org
René Labat and Florence Malbran-Labat's manual of Akkadian epigraphy available at: www.geuthner.com