General World History

in anunnaki •  9 years ago  (edited)

One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back. ~ Carl Sagan, The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark.

The History Leading to Today's America

The Great Year

As the Sun curves through space carrying the Earth with it, our bodies and our planet move to a region where they are affected by different cosmic forces that indirectly result in the rise and fall of civilization. As mans consciousness expands and contracts, and the cycle plays out, just like a solar year with its seasons, it results in great ages of enlightenment and dark ages of misery. Indeed, the archaeological record shows a broad decline of ancient civilizations beginning about 5000 years ago

The very beginning of mankind

The Anunnaki arrived here about 400,000 years ago, (that's about 15 Great Years) but man has been here far longer than that.


I used to think this was a myth, but there are many discoveries in the past couple decades that suggest otherwise. Why would so many cities both abroad and here be named after it? And we know that a nuclear war happened in present day Iraq and Syria about 5000 years ago.

My point so far; We are NOT the most advanced civilization ever! Not even close! Although, tech wise We seem to be rising.

The Dark Ages

When I was in high school history included the dark ages. This history covered the time 3000BC to the Renaissance

The Renaissance

This is when many of today's leading colleges were started. Science began to blossom. I question where all this knowledge came from?

1776 The start of U.S.A.

This is our 4th of July. This broke a cycle of rising and falling nations.

Articles of Confederation

The Continental Congress adopted the Articles of Confederation, the first constitution of the United States, on November 15, 1777. However, ratification of the Articles of Confederation by all thirteen states did not occur until March 1, 1781.

U.S. Constitution

The U.S. Constitution was adopted and signed in September 1787, but signing wasn't enough. It had to be ratified by nine of the 13 states before it became binding. That happened when New Hampshire ratified it on June 21, 1788.

Under U.S. Constitution "We the People" had a Republic. That means "Rule of Law" government.

Progressive era Constitution / the Living Breathing Constitution

1913 – a Living Breathing Constitution? Is it? Could be, since 1913. that is when Democracy, which is the stepping stone to Communism, got it's start in the U.S.A. The 17th Amendment facilitated the Living Constitution/Progressive movement. Once Democracy was in place and the Rule of Law was set aside, the Left/Communists were free to do as they pleased.

Under a Living Constitution "We the People" have a Democracy. That means "Ruler's Law" government. That is government by the majority.

In 1913 is when the 16th amendment was ratified. It opened the door for federal taxes.

The Federal Reserve Act established a central banking system in the United States–not controlled by the federal government–but designed to control the federal government. This debt banking system has enslaved us with inflation and interest.

This was all done to facilitate the New World Order. A term that would not be codified until the 1980s. And this Living Breathing Constitution is now physical. It is called Case Law.

Paris Peace Treaties, 1947

United Nations Security Council 16, 10 January 1947. UN treaties override our Constitution's. In fact most of our current treaties override our so-called Constitution.

Also starting in this era was the United States State Department. The State Department is our shadow government. It has Conducted it's international diplomacy with programs like Gladio.

1963 - this is when the left confirmed its control of the USA, November 22, 1963.

9/11 - a false flag staged by the left to convince we the people that we needed more protection. They were trying to instill fear in America so that they could expand their tyrannical government.This is when the neoconservative movement reveals itself. The main players were George Bush and Dick Cheney. Then Hope and Change happened, put forth by Barack Obama. No real policy changes

2016 Election

This is when the corruption of the State Department was revealed. And the leftist media is putting forth Donald Trump. There is a Black Lives Matter movement endorsed by the Obama happening. He has many times wrongfully sided with the so-called victims of white cops. This is causing chaos and many False Flags are occurring in an attempt to confiscate our guns. Guns are the last thing standing between our sovereignty, well what's left of it, to a total tyranny/martial law.

So Summarizing

The highly advanced civilization of Atlantis crumbled sometime before the birth of Christ. After that I believe (Note this statement is an opinion) that an organized effort has been put forth to revive it

This would explain why we are so ignorant of the past of our own planet. Just think about it, if we understood how the power systems(the pyramids) of the world worked we do have a totally different society because we would not be purchasing energy. It would be abundant for all. Many people have been killed because of their energy discoveries.

This article outlined the very basic history of this earth. It is still up to you to draw your own conclusions. Just keep in mind that the media, by Supreme Court decision, does not have to tell the truth.

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