RE: Did you know dear Gary Pruiit from AP, that I find YOU and YOUR FAMILY are legitimate targets for what you did to america?

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Did you know dear Gary Pruiit from AP, that I find YOU and YOUR FAMILY are legitimate targets for what you did to america?

in ap •  4 years ago 

and the list goes on on your crimes.

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  ·  4 years ago (edited)

and you see I have not the same problems with the aljazeerans, they didn't betray quatar... ah. nwo, rockfeller, ring a bell? ahhh... yes your predecessor is on the kill list too... you wanted fucking war, to impose your nwo, go die.

and what I know is going on in your shit head gary, is that you believe that with more massaging of the message, it will go through,... no fucker, you are just gonna get killed after your kiddies.

and now in your fucking head : fbi fbi... yeah yeah... they will too get killed.

and wtc7? no words? go die traitors.

proud of yourself @cia , I guess you are all sociopaths?