Note please keep in mind my recent comments about mitigation factors which may prevent exponential spread of nCov outside of E. Asia during this flu season. If true, then capital will stampede into the US dollar and stock markets, as China and the EU decline economically (a contagion from which China and Asia will later rise out of first).
Apparently this flu season for nCov will peak in April, which could explain why Bitcoin and gold may peak in April/May and then the DJIA should finally blast through the 30,000 psychological level which will entice the retail investors to pile on. Retail investors had been out of the stock markets since the 2008 subprime crash.
How opportunistic to kill off the elderly during the next two flu seasons winter 2020/21 and winter 2021/22, so as to enable the shift to radical left politics in the West (and to strengthen China by eliminating it’s aging demographics problem forcing it to integrate with the vast youthful labor in Asia).
Sanders drew heavy support from nearly half of 17-29-year-olds (48 percent) who participated. The under-30 voters accounted for 24% of caucus turnout, which was up from 18% back in 2016. Sanders also captured 33% of the 30 to 44 age group. He does not have support in the over 45 age group as that drops to about 8%.
The radical left wants war with Russia and Trump is unwittingly prepping for it...
Trump Ups Nuclear Ante With 'Mini-Nukes' Deployed On Subs To "Deter Russia":
The United States has added a 'low yield' nuclear weapon to its submarine arsenal in a controversial first in decades, after the Trump administration called for its deployment as part of the 2018 Nuclear Posture Review in order to "deter Russia".
"Moscow, the argument goes, might have miscalculated that the United States was unwilling to use its nuclear weapons in response to a Russian low-yield nuclear strike because the existing U.S. weapons were too powerful," The Hill reports.
Remember my recent blogs World War 3: the USA won’t exist after 2034, Trump Assassinated in 2022? Civil War by 2026? and East vs. West: China to dominate the world.
"We're On A Very Dangerous Path" - Pelosi's Page-Ripping 'Resistance' Is Harbinger Of Things To Come
Liberal White Women Pay $2,500 To Be Lectured About How Racist They Are
Unraveling California's Quick, But Complete Demise ←read also the comments
The USA will break up into self-governing, defiant regions. Sell real estate before winter 2020/21!
Real Estate – Cycles – Real Value:
QUESTION: Your real estate model which peaked in 2007 was the broad crazy speculative market you explained in the low end of the market. Then there was a rally back into 2015 which you said would be mainly in Europe and the high end of the market. I am in France and there an uptick in some prices. But I can see, as you taught us, this appears to coincide with the decline in the euro. What actually comes after all of this?
ANSWER: The 2007 high was the low-end of the market which became the bubble […] Real estate is very hard to forecast because you have the broad market, the low, middle, and high ends of the market. Then you have niche areas that boom in the face of others doing nothing. The 2007 high is the peak in “real” terms. There are many homes in the low to middle-end that are still 30% to 50% below the bubble high in 2007.
The 2015.75 rally was more of the high-end and this was driven by international capital flows. Thus, it was primarily intensely felt in the main centers where international capital moved such as Vancouver, New York, Miami, Los Angeles, etc. You did not see major price advances in smaller regions of no interest to international capital.
Then you have the tax migrations. People are moving from the high tax states to the no or low taxed states in the USA. I had looked at buying a house for my family in Florida […] that had sold. Other areas in the high-taxed states can’t sell. So there are a lot of different outcomes depending on where you are looking.
In terms of “real value” in real estate, that should [not] begin to rise again after 2032. Going into that period [after 2032], real estate will rise in nominal terms on a very varied basis depending upon the attitude of the local government. In the USA, for example, do not expect property in Illinois to ever reach the value it was even in 2015 no less 2007. Local municipalities are going broke and they will become very abusive in taxation. This is when people just start to walk away from the property, as was the case with the fall of Rome:
My expectations on the derelict nature of the Philippines’ public health response to the potential nCov crisis, has been proven to be astute (of course because I have lived here for ~26 years so I know the truth!)...
False negatives in nCov testing:
60-year-old Chinese woman is PH’s 3rd 2019-nCoV case – DOH
[…] found the Jan. 24 samples negative for 2019 nCoV.
Thus, she was discharged […] in Bohol […] But on Feb. 3, […] the Jan. 23 samples were positive for 2019-nCoV.
In a time of nCoV, Thailand not in panic mode:
I realized the possibility that I might have contracted the virus en route to the Philippines. I did not remember the government calling the attention of people who traveled in Asian countries and returned home developing symptoms. Even before, the Philippine government was inept when it comes to health and safety concerns.
Last Feb. 1, the Public Health Ministry also confirmed that Thailand has its first case of human-to-human transmission. A taxi driver, a Thai man who never visited Wuhan, had contracted it after driving a Chinese national to the hospital. A Korean woman who traveled to Thailand but not in China was infected.
While we are confident of the Thai government’s response to nCoV, the world is watching the Philippines, where two nCoV deaths had already been reported. A third positive case has just been confirmed Wednesday.
As a labor exporting country, the Philippines faces a more complex dilemma. The recent budget cut to the health sector exacerbated the health problems.
Thousands of Overseas Filipino Workers in mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan are in danger of contracting the virus and losing jobs if the outbreak continues to spread.
Chan may use house arrest ankle trackers…
What caused a temporary tempest in the Senate was the question of contacting passengers who turned out to be on flights in which people confirmed or suspected to be infected with the virus were passengers themselves. Duque let loose a bombshell by saying only 17 percent or 331 of such passengers have been located; when pressed further, Duque claimed airlines weren’t cooperating, citing the data privacy law as a justification for redacting lists or refusing to release contact details for passengers to the authorities.
The airlines objected to this statement, as did the Civil Aeronautics Board and the Civil Aviation Authority, and to this merry mix of disagreeing and discombobulated officials was added the bellowing of the secretary of foreign affairs, who demanded that the head of the Manila International Airport Authority and the Civil Aeronautics Board be thrown under the bus for failing to track down passengers. The two cops in the Senate showed their respective mettle: Bato dela Rosa angled for a PNP-led manhunt, saying the passengers would be apprehended in 2-3 days. Panfilo Lacson, for his part, told the secretary of foreign affairs to pipe down, and stated that baying for the blood of immigration officials or the Civil Aeronautics Board was the wrong thing to do. There was a failure of leadership, which was lodged firmly on the doorstep of the Department of Health (DOH).
Yet all the DOH had tried to do was what all other agencies of the government had tried to do, which was to try to stem the tide of public opinion and hold the party line as put forward by the President: Do not antagonize China by engaging in any act aimed at travel to and from China.
What was interesting was how the original announcement was phrased: Initially, Go said the President had decided to accept the proposal to forbid entry to arrivals from Wuhan. It was only later on that the words changed: then the President was “ordering,” had ”instructed,” and doing other firm-sounding things. That’s because a Chinese tourist had died, giving the Philippines the dubious distinction of being the first place outside China where someone died of the virus.
Philippines is a low-trust (i.e. low cooperation, selfish, family-clan, tribal) society:
DOH: Person in ‘close contact’ with nCoV infected Chinese couple refused hospital isolation
…disbelief turns to anger for parents of OFW from Hong Kong taken to isolation for coronavirus check
Filipino crew aboard Japan cruise ship tests positive for nCoV – DFA
“I can’t wait!” said impatient nCoV #3, “We’ve already invaded nearly 4,000 human bodies in China and now nearly 400 have died. What’s taking us so long?” “Don’t be a fool,” muttered nCoV #4, who had been slumped against the artery wall. “If our human dies, we’ll all die with him.” “Riiigght,” drawled nCoV #5, “if our human dies too soon, we won’t be able to infect other humans, we’ll just disappear. But if our human gets up, walks around and maybe goes sightseeing, imagine how many other humans we can invade?”
“And if we’re really lucky,” said nCoV #2, “our human might even be able to hop on a plane and visit other countries and we’d find ourselves other hosts.” “Especially if,” interjected nCoV #1, “other people in these countries, especially government officials, are still in a state of denial and allow anybody to come and go as they please!”
The gang smiled collectively at the prospect of freely floating on droplets and conquering new uncharted territory.
“Okay, I’m eating my words,” muttered nCoV #3. “I hope our human lives longer and feels better that he ends up finding new bodies for us.” “But these humans are really funny,” said nCoV #2, “I hear they’re lining up and demanding to buy masks to protect themselves. But when they reach home, they won’t even bother to wash their hands!”
“And they’re so unsanitary!” shrieked nCoV #4. “A few days from now, they’re celebrating something called Valentine’s Day and what I hear is that there will be so much hugging and kissing on that day as if we aren’t around.” “And they won’t be exchanging just saliva and snot,” snorted nCov #3, “they’ll be trading other body fluids as well…”
“Well,” said nCoV #1, “at least they’ll be making more humans for us to invade!”
Paciano Rizal and the 1882 Manila epidemic:
Rizal’s correspondence contain references to the 1882 cholera epidemic that killed hundreds in Manila, until the typhoons drove it away, or so they thought. The way we deal with an epidemic in 2020 has parallels in 1882.
On July 24, 1882, Paciano Rizal wrote his brother regarding the town fiesta, family affairs, and even a postscript about two moderate earthquakes. He also noted: “There is cholera in Manila and they say that they are hiding it very carefully, so that abroad they will not declare this port dirty and consequently create another obstacle to the export trade. In our town we had three cases in the course of one month and all of them fatal.”
A full report by Paciano from September 1882 reads: “When [the cholera epidemic] was officially declared in Manila, land and sea communications were interrupted. Ships coming from filthy ports were forbidden to stop here. The steamers that come from Manila go directly to Sta. Cruz [Laguna] to be fumigated and quarantined for 12 hours. Towns[people] are not allowed to mingle with each other or enjoy any consideration, except with the permission of the government.