in apology •  7 years ago  (edited)

So I am new to steemit and really enjoy sharing and posting random things
on this great platform.

The one thing we all can agree upon is the fact that your post only will be
discovered by readers on the new feed platform for a few minutes until
it gets lost into the Ooo so ever new content that is like a non stopping
occurrence that slides like someone on a Iphone scrolling on the refresh button.

Is re-posting frowned upon, not encouraged or a bad thing ?

Well............I soon discovered that it def. is something one should not attempt at all.

Myself and my wife each have an account on steemit, and posting from
photos to our personal YouTube videos, but the content are something
we created.

Personally I feel that if it is your content you should be allowed to share
this on any account, as long as one can prove that this is your content,
but in the same instance I might be wrong about this and would love
to hear the opinions of all the steem community members/users ?

I would love to ask if anyone knows of a link, post or page of rules regarding
guidelines for posting and things one can/can not do on steemit.

This will create a great starting base for any new steemer to start up with.

Please comment and leave your suggestions/pages/resources/links/content
below in the reply.

Thank you once again.


Once again my greatest apologies to @winvideos

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