It behooves us all to recognize the difference between good and God good god with a capital G for the devil makes his nest in good so that he can confuse the two an app that example would be children we look around the world and see all the suffering the children by parents that don't love them and we shake our heads then we look at families where the children are loved this is great this is good this is of god this is everything that's good but Jesus said that anyone who loves the children more than me they're not going to heaven and so you see why Satan lives in that place especially with with decent people that are not criminals he loves to live in that place of "good"
There is one way to develop discernment to see between the two and that is a healthy prayer life and constant diligence study in love toward God the father says that he is a rewarder of those who diligently seek him so put him to the test see if he will reward you I did it's not arrogant or Blasphemous or anything of that nature to ask God to live up to what He said he wants you to. It is the devil who is the one that wants you not to ask God to do that. He knows the power of the word of God .
anyways brothers and sisters people outside the church in in I love you the Lord God loves you he always will in Jesus name have a wonderful day