In lieu of video chat with Leon Siu, sent electronic communication

in apostle-john •  4 years ago  (edited)

aloha leon,
this morning i've simplified the website
i'm not permitted to offer indemnity coverage.
and i've been guided to make the abundances 50/50 across the board.
delivery of abundance arrives in second half of december; thereafter, it's delivered about four weeks after application submission with payment.
yours has already been recorded, so no further action is necessary.
the source of the abundance comes from LIMITED funds, a.k.a. the seven oriental churches as mentioned in book of revelations.

in january 2020, apostle john's book of revelations began on january 1 with chapter 1-verse 1.
the book of revelations is about the last days of the earthly church.
the first 12 chapters correspond to each month.
november 2020 begins chapter 11, and each verse matches the day.
the days remaining in the month without verses may be considered days not in the Book of Life, so much nefarious activities take place.
please consider not taking action during those days.

i've been traveling and making my way west from iowa state, since september 14, when my stepdad drove me to st. joseph, MO from benton county, IA.
it was our hoped that my uncle in wakefield, KS would meetup and take me in, but he suffers from PTSD. my aunt drove me to an emergency shelter in manhattan, KS, where i stayed from sept 14 to october 6.

the shelter bought me a grayhound bus ticket to oklahoma city, and i stayed in an emergency shelter from october 7 to 19.
i made several phone calls to shelters in oklahoma county, with no success in making contact.
Oct 5: on faith, i informed my case manager that i needed to travel to oklahoma city to complete my project.
Rev 10-5: The angel whom I was standing on the sea and on the land raised up his hand to heaven
Oct 6: my case manager arranged to purchase greyhound bus ticket for my travel.
Rev 10-6: And swore by Him who lives forever and ever, who created heaven and the things that are in it, the earth and the things that are in it, and the sea and the things that are in it, that there should be delay no longer,
Oct 7: i arrived in Oklahoma City to pick up the final recorded document (310 pages recorded on september 28, 2020: ) at the oklahoma county clerk's office
Rev 10-7: But in the days of the sounding of the seventh angel, when he is about to sound, the mystery of God would be finished, as He declared to His servants the prophets.


Oct 11, my SF friend asked me to assist with her health, and she's sponsoring my stay in a co-living dormitory in japantown town.
Rev 10-11: And he said to me, "You must prophesy again about many peoples, nations, tounges, and kings."

the US elections is what releases satanic activities and luciferian behaviors as described in the book of revelations.
i'm currently seeking to leave SF, asap with no plans to return, if possible.
the 666 beast comes out by january 2020.
i'm already seeing erratic behavior.

according to information gathered from CH, OK, and Federal State, 2023 is the year of redemption day.
hang in there and keep doing what you're doing.
you've always stayed in your integrity.
the abundance is to complete your private mission.
to live like an exile is how Lord JC, under the Heavenly Father, identifies his servants;
this is also the way to bypass the worldly riches and to gain entrance into the heavenly kingdom, where the true wealth and things of value are found.

i had never opened the bible until august 1 of this year; and as a little girl, i always skipped church.
since august, i'm loyal and faithful to He who was, He who is, and He who is to come.
we are present to empower all with equal abundance for all may prove who they are, what they value, and what they stand behind. now is not the time to sit on the fence: true.

many thanks and much mahalo for your patience and constant presence.
may the Lord JC enable universal will to all concerned.

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