Son today your grandmother Pastora died, the mother of your mother; and it's really a great tragedy, in fact the issue of death, to be human, in itself, it is already, but in the conditions that we live in Venezuela today, it is worse. Today the car had to be lost, practically it is already lost, it is necessary to sell it to be able to pay the burial and funeral expenses only the amount amounts to an amount of 160 million bolivars.
Apart from the costs of the cemetery amounting to 40 million bolivars, 20 of which are not available for us to cancel it. Because here they are charging 400% to be able to give the cash. That is to say that we must transfer 80 million bolivars, so that they can give us the 20 million in cash.
This is the key result we have when you are looking for a partner for whom there is nothing yet. in our family many old and sick people, who can die at any historical moment, where they can not find the medicines they need to control their blood pressure, for the control of sugar, for the nerves; and for the different men who are already at the age of having them.
Get only one pack of pills to control your Mom's Stress, is costing 5 million Bolivars, a Box of 30 pills. We have already begun to alleviate the situation by taking infusions or guarapes of herbs and plants, looking for a solventaria way. But we know that in the end what can bring us more problems, because it is not the same as taking the treatment as, but we have no alternative.
This is a book that is not very well at all, but it is very good, but now it can be done, our menu was transformed, only to eat in the sardine with arepa. of corn piled up because the chicken became inaccessible, like meat, cheese, butter, eggs.
A chicken costs 8 million bolivars a kilo of meat 7 million bolivars, an egg carton 6 million bolivars, a can of butter three million bolivars, a kilo of cheese five million bolivars. This really is crazy, we are trapped and without exit in our own country.
From now on, son, unfortunately we only tell you that you are over there, we know that with the money you earn and that you have enough money to live, until now you have saved to the fullest, to put your hand from time to time, but after of the death of your grandmother, in these conditions we have been, that we no longer have any possession that we can sell, we only have to sell the house and if we sell it, then we are going to practically stay in the street; and we can not do that.
I am afraid to think that in the next days or months, another relative may die, of which as we already know there are many, because we have many elders in the family. I beg you son, I beg and forgive me to do it this way, and I put you on my shoulders this great responsibility, which is not yours, because it should be ours as it always has been, but as I told you, here at this moment We can not continue solving because we can hardly eat. I need you not to send us any more help, please save everything you can, because the little you earn there, here is a lot. That's why you save so that when another situation like this arises, you have a saving that can help us. Because if you send it now, we will unfortunately spend it on any other problem that comes our way.
I swear that shame kills me, ask you this. It is not possible, that I being the head of my family, who has all the responsibility to resolve, today I am practically with my hands tied and without options in this country. Every day we have been losing more weight and we will continue to lose, we are practically malnourished, I had to open a hole more to the strap to hold my pants because I dropped, it is the fifth hole that I drilled my leather. old belt.
Yesterday in a hospital in Zulia state, three children died from malnutrition in only one week. OMG!!! There is no excuse for those in power with a barrel of oil at $ 67; and that until now they do not want to open a humanitarian aid channel. Because it is the life of our people that is at stake every day. Day by day the crisis is increasing practically Venezuelans are all condemned to death.
Take care, son. May God bless you.
Your Father who loves you deeply and who feels shame and impotence of the level to which I have descended, because of this criminal government.