SirKnight approves Appbase!

in appbase •  7 years ago 

I am SirKnight!

Founding secretary of the glorious 'Team Australia'.

Strategic genius behind the 'Great Steem Wars.'

Quest Master and ultimate 'Lord of the Steem!'

Conceptual creator of Steem's 'Masters of the Universe'.

Originator of the critically acclaimed 'Celestial Challenge'.

Founding Father of the 'STEEMCHURCH' - the first ever church of the blockchain.

Steemit's Largest Living Legend!

The Steemit Blog Calling

When the Steemit Blog came calling this morning, the great SirKnight upped arms and set forth to test the new Appbase.

And like a newly broken Brumby - this new update makes Steem feel even faster.


So how about helping out our wonderful developers by heading over to and giving it a go.

I am... well you already know who I am!

Posted on ''

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Awesome news 'Oh Great One'.
I shall head over forthwith and test it out.
Cheers for the heads up brother.

And most importantly you're a fufiller of dreams,many have had their dreams fulfilled as a result of your generosity
Long live the knight

@sirknight u such a great person!
May God bless you and your family!

Amazing post from the great #KNIGHT of the steemchurch.
We love progress. Let’s see what the future has got to offer.

Good approval from sirknight.

Thank you for your approval as well, I'll try my best for the appbase :)

and you forgot "all round nice guy" 😘

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

This is a welcomed going straight away to try out this truly exited about this!

@sirknight please i send you a message

If @sirknight says it good,then i believe, i will try it out!!

@jedaijudith - I like your profile. I admire that you are so spiritual.
Have a blessed day!

@sirknight thanks for the post....
we look up to you very much..
Continue the good work

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

@sirknight you are truly a steem legend. I'll check out the link tho I know nothing about app development

I will definitely try this out hmm adding a lot of spices to steemit OMG I will definitely marry this platform as I am already in love with it thanks @sirknight for the information

Great deveelopment to add to the fun already in steemit
Thanks for the update SK

Oh this is lovely. I'd be sure to check it out. Now i see you are really busy @sirknight. You're involved in so much.


You are king of all,sure I know who you are,the great philanthropist., it is a very welcome development.
Off to test the new appbase.

little by little you were occupying a place in our hearts, first I did not understand why you did it, but then I realized that your communion with God is great and that is why you can achieve many things. Thank you

Amazing news 'Goodness Great One'.

I should head over forthwith and test it out.

Brightens for the heads up sibling.

You are indeed a great man and a living legend @sirknight


Also, above all you're a fufiller of dreams,many have had their fantasies satisfied because of your liberality

Long experience the knight

Am loving what you are @sirknight God bless you sir and I pray for more growth

hi dear @sirknight
after many days come to your blog
Really you're giving a very good news sharing with us,,thank you :D @sirknight for this valuable post,,

I'll try out the website, Steem blog has been off for a while. Looks like a good development for the blockchain. SK has been really busy, so many things you are involved in. :)

Am trying it out straightaway. God bless @sirknight

Yayyyyyy!!!!!! A good news for everybody. Happy me @sirknight. You are always doing splendid things. Awesome news.

Wow you are the biggest person, I never heard of, have a tune back.

headphones required, or loud speakers.

Thank you for the Intel steemit largest living legend and knight in shining armour @sirknight. Heading over there straight away.

Thanks for once again betting on this community! God bless you!

Amazing post from the great #KNIGHT of the steemchurch.
We love progress. Let’s see what the future has got to offer.

I already know that you are sirnight and thanks for the appbase can we start using it now or its stil on testing.

The only church in the blockchain allowing the gospel to reach out to the world indeed you are @sirknight

What a good brother Sirknight, great, I'll try

to continue growing as the foam with the blessing of GOD and for his glory, congratulations @sirknight

really good

What a wonderful innovation and development, I will check it out. Well done @sirknight. What a brilliant brain. I throw my cap for your intellect,u are a genius sir. Keep up the good work.

really amazing loved it <3

Sound's great. @sirknight is a kind person and i know he support everyone by their own style. Thanks sir :)

Good approval from sirknight.
Let’s make this place be a lively community.

Oh I see! Glad to see you.. Stay blessed.. Be happy.. All the best for your future.. kepp it up. Best of luck. Thank you

One step at a time.
Success all the way sir.

thanks SK for this post, I will try this website

I tried it on mobile and it works fine both on iPhone safari and android chrome. Both generated password and posting key work fine too. I only spotted a bug at "Vote for Witness" page and @justinw knew it already. :)

Another Awsome work great #teamaustralia
thanks @sirknight

@sirknight sir you are the awsome parsion in steem
i really like your post
have a good day
thank oyu

Long live the king(sirknight).always giving steemian the real courage to be a whale in the platform.sirknight I salute you more than every steemian in the house.long live king!long live the king!!long live the king!!!

friend, I want to communicate with you. I have a proposal from heaven to help the less fortunate in a state of social and moral abandonment. you have been a knight of battles for those of us who wish to establish the kingdom of heaven here on earth, it will not be easy, but together we can make great promises.

I was always participating to your daily celestial challenge hope to see you there. @sirkngiht.

@sirknight - "I am not worthy" - and you are such a giant ...
Have a blessed day!

great content! and thanks again for following!

I Dont know who are you but i Like your attitude.

All in one.....
Never give up....
All the best

Dear @sirknight,

If it's OK, I've included your Celestial challenge in my article about the various Steem contests here

Please do let me know if there is anything missing and if there are any other contests that you think I should feature. Thanks!
