@ivanli interview of Telos FOunders! 🚨 Telos Technology with Suvi and Douglas from Telos βœ… WATCH LIVE DAILY: https://ivanontech.com/live βœ… Telos Network: https://telosnetwork.io

in appics β€’Β  5 years agoΒ 

Ivan on tech just interviews DOuglas Horn Telos FOunder @dapperd



Talk to the founders here @dapperd ( Douglas Horn ) @telosfoundation (suvi ) and https://app.telos.net or https://sqrlwallet..io @sqrl Free telos Wallet (Up to 2 million Free Wallets as of now, and even with no inflation for 2-4 years we can estimate anywhere from 10 to 100M new wallets if we voted to dip into TEDP funds as a telos community, we is a strong word, its really founders and holders who'd make a decision to print or use telos to fund a mass adoption but as that is still a few years away we have time.

Theres other ways to actually use Telos but, guest accounts and lite wallets are not needed as telos is the one chain that can actually scale to reddit sizes without sacrificing too much. Reddit sizes being 100-200 million unique users sustained for a few years.

When you are creating the mechanisms and machines for the global governance models, you want to get it right and have all the smartest big brains in the galaxy. We have @newlifeai as well which allows us to have avante garde artists, but we also have cutting edge blockchains funding dependable old weather balloon science with bleeding edge NFC tech .. real science funded by the blockchain with @telokanda balloons https:/balloons.telokanda.com


https://telokanda.com COming in next few months with new Front end for Telos. RIght now we already have steem KANDA token Giveaway Bounty bots thanks to tech incubated and developed by the great people in Neoxian.city and Steemleo https://neoxian.city https://steem.leo

Come talk about telos here https://discord.telosnow.org or https://t.me/hellotelos Twitter https://t.me/hellotelos

THANKS to @ivanli for this ivanontech interview!

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