RE: When others are sleeping 💤, we are working and when others are working we are also ...

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When others are sleeping 💤, we are working and when others are working we are also ...

in appics •  5 years ago 

There is no such thing as luck. Hard work + preparation creates "luck". Working hard is not enough, you must be prepared for any situation and able to execute under any conditions. The mind is a powerful thing and can me much more deadly on a soccer field than legs. Good Luck From The USA!!

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Mind is very powerful truly. Most especially, subconscious mind! Someone has to be careful on what to think and what not to think.

Luck was not mentioned in the post. I wonder where that comes about. Hard work wasn't mentioned alone but plus smart work. There are so many working hard for nothing but when one adds smartness to the hard work, at least one can envision where he's going in the next coming years.

Working hard is not enough, you must be prepared for any situation and able to execute under any conditions.

Yeah, absolutely. One has to have resilient and grit to withstand any pressure/situation. Thanks for your input sir.