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👌🏻Bialetti...classy👊🏼beste Grüße in die Muddastadt isses..bleib gesund..beste Wünsche zurück..achso, hab mich noch immer nicht mit hive auseinander gesetzt..haste nen Tip?...

Thats pretty cool looking! I love coffee, especially the smell of it in the morning!

..ya, know exactly what you mean!... love it tooo!!!..that’s one reason why I still use this kind of espresso machines...why I m not wondering that you like it too??!...of course I have never seen any picture or post of you with anything I don’t like at all...good taste, nothing else to say...enjoy...and take care...

Omg your comment posted on Appics 20 times lol! Anyways I have a similer type of machine in my camper that we use on our propane stove in thwre, I love it!!


I m sure I have not even clicked two times...

I have no idea, the Appics app is still testing so maybe it's a glitch, I had a hard time upvoting this morning but I could do comments!

Aaaah.... let’s try directly...and btw, good morning, wish you and the whole appics family a wonderful day..let’s tAke it as it comes, take it easy...