Meanwhile in Norway, we were out walking a 20km walk while the world stays insid ...

in appics •  5 years ago 

... e.

It's weird to listen to my friends in central Europe talking about being forced to stay indoors. Meanwhile, I'm using Easter to get away from the stationary life indoors in front of the computer by going for long walks. Today, me and my parents went for a 20km long walk in a popular natural park close to the city. And while most people I know on-chain talk about the streets being empty, this place was packed more than usual due to the restrictions on travel meaning people who would normally spend Easter at their cabins now instead look to local hikes and walks.

Anyways, I caught this picture of Shiva which I thought was pretty dope!


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Such a Beauty 🐶😍 you are definitely lucky to be able to travel, spend time with family, and go outdoors. Most of us in Germany where I am at the moment will spend Easter home alone because you’re not allowed to meet up with more than 1 other person from another household. So no family party 🤷🏻‍♀️ but it’s okay. I already feel lucky to have a balcony where I can enjoy the sun ☀️ but I’m a total homebody anyway and work from home so all this is not that much of a change for me. I only miss nature, especially since the weather has been so nice! Have a wonderful Easter holiday and time with your family (and dog)!

I know! Shiva's just gorgeous!

I'm aware, the people I'm working with on steempress are in the same situation just in France. I suppose it makes sense for cities with a larger density of people who would thus be more likely to catch the virus as well as surpassing the capacity for respirators more easily.

And I can see what you mean having spent the last year and a half working from home just like you with our own dapp. I would have probably felt okey if I had to face the same restrictions during that time, and just considered it as a week to read or do deep work. But because I just moved and haven't yet bought much furniture in the new apartment, it would have been really lame to have to spend the holiday there in isolation without a sofa etc... So glad that's not the case!

It's funny because many here are complaining about not being able to spend Easter at their cabins. I think it's worth putting things into perspective, as while it's weird to have the first Easter in 22 years where I am not there, things could be so much worse. At least we're still able to see each other.

I hope you'll have a pleasant and safe Easter too, and hope to see you at some blockchain event again soon! :)

Beautiful dog. Looks like you were having a fun time together!

Thanks! We sure did:).

Here in Southern Oregon (Northwestern United States), a lot more people have been enjoying the outdoors! More hikers, bikers, families walking. I think it is really good for our mental health to get outside and enjoy the fresh air when possible!

Sounds similar to the status here. As long as people have plenty of space to move and walk without being too close, then I think that's much better than staying indoors in isolation. Can't let the solution hurt lives more than the disease..

Looks like a beautiful place! It seems Norway has done a pretty good job with containing and minimizing the spread of the virus, too.

It really is! My family used to go for walks here all the time when I was still a kid. Must have been half a life-time since my last visit though, so that made it even more special :).

I would say Norway looks really good atm. The number of new people diagnosed per day are steadily going down, and we've not seen the high number of deaths that surrounding countries have witnessed. I suppose the lower people density makes it a lot easier to deal with though.