The audio effect I love the most since forever is distortion. I own five distortion ...

in appics •  5 years ago 

... pedals and this is a close-up view of one of them: The Electron Fuzz Custom CV by Retro Mechanical Labs. It has eurorack connectivity and its very versatile.


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Distortion plugins are definitely the backbone of my work flow, yet I don't own any distortion hardware. I'm a big fan of extreme distortion getting a lot of use out of Audio Damage's Kombinat and more recently Unfiltered Audio's Dent and Indent. All are capable of just mangling everything. I love them.

you should try Izotope’s Trash! it’s amazing. I love Devastor from D16 group as well. Will try those you mentioned! thanks for the tip

I have literally never met another human with the CV edition. Kudos sir.

thanks a lot sir! do you also own one? they have the eurorack module as well!

I do indeed. I have the same standalone box as you, purchased before they started making eurorack friendly versions. I'm super happy with the walnut enclosure though. Pretty much a never-sell.

dude these are works of art. The walnut enclosure is like even more evaluable. Four out of my five distortion pedals are RML. I really like the brand and how nice the team is. I even bought a Pedal And A Gun and gave it to my pops. Right now I own the Jekill N’ Hyde, The 432k, a Fuzz Doubler that is kind of rare and the Electron Fuzz CV, oh and a GPI module that works wonders (they sent for free!!!)

Fully committed!!!

completely!!! haha. I followed you on IG, by the way

I kinda miss watching you make beats 🤘 epic shot!

thanks my dude!, I am still uploading e to DTube some tracks :)