The pace of life is really big, it is curved somewhere, it is somewhat straightf ...

in appics •  6 years ago 

... orward, but it does not remain unmanifest. Every time a strange feeling seems to be, how difficult it will be to walk in front or happiness will be in the unknown hope.

We have to experience various types of experiences in the way of life. But sadly, we rarely get education from people, very few people can use the acquired experience! Because of which we are afraid to face reality and are afraid to accept new challenges.

But life does not stop at all, it does not stop at the pace of life, it just stops someone's success. Someone gets bored with bitter experience, and someone goes ahead with a happy memories. This way life will continue. Only some of the memories will be stored in the heart.

In the present life, new memories will be created and old memories will be covered.

Thanks all for visit.

#writing #mindset #innerblocks


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vai oder side e giye form fillup kore apply korte hobe then apner mail e app er link pathabe.

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It depends on the kind of memories. Many will never be covered by new ones and it is not said there is a future.

P.s. you made this picture? This road looksway better as mine.

Yes, when we travel an official tour.

Posted using Partiko Android

Life is really big brother and we experience many types of situations in life. Some good and some bad but though both we either gain experience or memory. Thanks for touching a nice topic.

Where is this place? It looks wonderful!

Bichana kandi, sylhet

I have been there several times but never had this specific road look. That's why I was asking where is this road specially? I would love to visit next time.

Posted using Partiko Android