ALL THE WAY UP | this mornings goal already in sight. Good morning APPICS family, ...

in appics •  5 years ago 

... this morning I go uphill all the way to Tibitabo. At 512 meters this is the highest hill around Barcelona and from my house I have a elevation of about 400 meters. Perfect for a morning ride🤘🏻
Have a wonderful morning everyone.


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Have a good day :)

you too🤙🏼best greetings from Barcelona

Any plans on coming back down or all the way up , only? 😂 jk. Have an awesome ride 💪

depends☝🏻regarding bike, came down for a nice breakfast with the family. in case of social crypto, there is just one way right now and downwards is not an option💪🏻😄have a great one my friend

So jealous on the elevation gain you have there, Netherlands doesnt have any of that haha. Highest point in 50km surrounding is prob 40 meter 😥. Good job on a early morning workout!

yeaaah, I feel you. back in Berlin I had the same feeling. nice suroundings but no hilk to get the legs burning. any date already for you when you can get back on your home trails?

Not yet, hope it won't be more than 2 weeks from now. Getting tired of waiting, might have to go fully illegal and go anyways haha

great mood my friend🚲

thank you Tati, have a great day, greetings from Barcelona


💪🏻happy Saturday Karen

Hope you’ll still have some strength left afterwards to play around with us at APPICS 🙃 NJOY the way up the top of Barça!

☝🏻always energy left for APPICS😄thank you buddy, have a wonderful Saturday🤘🏻

U2! 🎶

Great attitude have acreage day !😊

thank you my dear👊🏼have a wonderful Saturday

Have a nice ride.

thanks bro🤘🏻

Jetzt weiß ich’s: also up und downhill 😁👌🏽 wir sind auch mal im Harz den Brocken hoch: 4 Stunden Bergauf und eine halbe Stunde runter 😎✌🏻

ahhh jetzt lese ichs erst hier🤘🏻also, ja. bist auch einer der sich gern hoch kämpft. dann lass doch mal für die Zukunft ne Bergetappe zusammen machen💪🏻

Das wäre doch mal eine Idee, mit schönen Bildern für APPICS und ein vlog für dtube 😜

P.S. Da lohnt sich sicher ein Dronenshot 🚵🏻‍♀️

wollt ich immer schon mal machen, hier so dicht an der Stadt aber nicht vorstellbar.🙃

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