Quote First of all I have nothing personally against you. I am not appics and dont speak in there names.
You posted in the discord community that it was the official channel for Appcs, heck you had me and others confused about this (*A few of them were shocked to learn that you were not the official channel). You should list it as a fan channel in BIG LETTERS... lol I would not have joined your channel if it was just a fan site, however, this is not listed anyplace.
I kicked u out because you never had chatted there and replied on a Conversation the first time, funny thing about HIVE. I started a Conversation with someone (who even was kicked and banned, you are not banned).
I was listed as a level 3 contributor on that discord channel... seems to make it to level 3 you have to post and talk a lot. sooo.
APPICS announced that they will stay for now on the Steem Chain. Its okay that you have ur opinion but thats was disrespectful against the APPICS Community. The dont know you, they see just a guy who talks about HIVE and APPICS.
And you know this how? Prehaps talking about these thins raises awareness? Appcs in ON STEEM, I know you don't like this.. but it is there. Everyone who has a steem account by appcs has a HIVE account (*you included), and all these people have HIVE tokens in that account they can sell. You are calling the people on your channel dumb and stoping them from claiming their tokens.
It were different had you chatted sometimes with the community. This APPICS Community dont care about HIVE or Steem.
Ok, you don't care about HIVE or Steem GREAT! Prove it send me your steem and Hive please, I will take these worthless coins from you. Send them to @roamingsparrow. :D (*I think you won't do this as you DO care about them)
Problem you just joined in a conversation and its was your first message and it was about APPICS, HIVE.
Again... I was a LV 3 or more, so like.. I was part of many conversations.. many with you as well. I am just not on discord EVERY DAY. I do have a lot of projects I am working on. lol
And that what you wrote THAT APPICS has u censored and kicked out its so disrespectful, because u knew that APPICS (Company) has with Discord nothing to do. You could write them and they contact me or something like that. But you spread wrong informations.
I did write to you directly and ask you why I was kicked out, but you did not respond. Then I went to rejoin and you DID block me and the prompt that came up, it said you have been blocked from this channel (*Even tho I was level 3 (Caused I posted a lot)), so it very much seemed like you were the community liaison for Appics on Discord. Where was I going to go? You were not responding. I posted online as your actions are not professional and I want Appcs to do good. However look, posting online in a public space got a response from both Appcs and from you. :D
I think APPICS Community does and would care (A LOT) about HIVE and Steem as its a way for them to x2 their money. :/ Tell someone they can earn 2x or 4x more and see if they listen.
For example,
This post earned 0.85 SBD this is 0.5852 USD
AND This post earned 0.34 HBD this is 0.08862 USD
So, an extra 0.67382 USD (+ other steem engine tokens) by posting on Appics and then copying over to HIVE. Small amount sure, but they sure do add up!
Hahaha - but you are right.. steem and hive tokens are worthless.. so again, send them over to me buddy! @roamingsparrow. I can send you a video on how to do it.
Anywho, good luck.
- and no, I will not ban or block you from my page. :D