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XOMensWear , very nice!!

Less nicer! Rhehe fuck you that's the message eheh

🤔you need to take a dump?

Nan. Fuck You... oh by the way! That's what say on the underwear ehehehhe not like... fuck you! YOU! LOL it is just the message on the boxers ehehe

Sorry, I couldnt get passed the cock bulge. Ever since Bowie hypnotized my young mind with his massive cod piece in the Labyrinth Ive been a closet meat gazer.

But The Ladies are lovin it!!


It is all about the message. Not the bulge! Ehehe

This is why youre the future. Fuck a Marketing Influencer, social proofs are out. Its all about Creator Marketing. The message of truth in marketing. Im a student of psychological influence & Robert Cialdini authored The Sciene of Influence "manipulation" with benevolence.