Sometimes you just gotta think outside the box. Especailly when you have one customer ...

in appics •  5 years ago 

... on the other side of a creek which has turning into an angry river. Uprooting trees, undermining the road, even deciding it doesn’t want to stay it’s normal course and take over the road instead. We are having some serious flooding issues in the area. Snow melted really fast due to the warm weather and then it rained for a few days straight. A few trees have fallen over and taken down the Powerlines in quite a few places. We are on the last customer of this stretch of line and order to get the wire over the creek and over the trees, we decided doing a little fishing was the best course of action. Get the fishing line over and pull back some jet-line (tiny light weight rope) then use that to pull back some stronger rope. Welp, let’s just say, that customer is happy camper. Besides the fact that half of his yard is making its way down the mountain and on its way to Portland.


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Like that method @jlsplartts. That's how we get up our short wave radio antenna lines.

Awesome!! I have used a rifle that has a tube of string attached under it and a brass rod as the projectile. They told me it kicked like a shotgun.... yeah right!!! Dang near blew me upside down on the pole. It will shoot that rod 500 feet. The rod is about 9 inches long. The Line throwing Gun... an epic tool. Lol

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Funny how you want to try and set me up for creating creations with free pictures like that's not allowed

The most comments you've had in awhile lol 😂