Lonely lifeboatman still waiting for his mates to comeback from the sea. This picture ...

in appics •  5 years ago 

... been exposed to a light for over 6 minutes. I took around 5 photos all together in around 30 minutes. And only this photo I really like it. Hope u like it too.


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wow! awesome😱😱

We wanna more pictures like this 😌

Im making more 😁 thanks

I can’t wait to see more :-)

Oh wow. Was it nighttime when you shot this then? 6 minutes is a crazy exposure time.

Ive place two filters on top of the lenses. So it becomes very dark. I really like clouds and the sea effects. And longer i can expose it the better effect i get. Atleast for my own taste 😁

Ahhh filters! Smart! Keep it up.

This shot was definitely worth it 👌💛


Wow! That is a lot of exposure! Looks good


Loved this pic

Thanks mate