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@travelling-two, it is beautiful.

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks @cryptospa! Yes it is! This is the place where I (Sam) would like to base myself with an online job and live a simpler/less hectic life. No commuting or physically attending meetings. Just earning and working on my own terms and being with the people I want to be with. Surround myself in an environment I want to be in. Approaching that dream starts now, getting there might take some time.

Posted using Partiko Android

@travelling-two, great plan! I am also thinking about such kind of lifestyle.
Btw, where are you from? And, have you found a job? Or you rely solely on STEEM Blockchain?

Posted using Partiko Android

I (Sam) am half English and half Thai. Becca is English, but lived in Portugal most of her life. She is currently there as she found a job there. I've just moved up to London and continuing on my job hunt from tomorrow after a break for the festivities, but got an interview on Wednesday. You got to earn to live, so the online thing would be a slow and gradual process. Could see myself learning over the weekends and some nights. Yet, there are still other things in life that will take up my time. Its finding the balance and determination to do so!

STEEM is just a hobby and to earn on the side for the long-term alternative retirement fund 😉 what will Steem be like after 2051? I'll be 60 then...

Posted using Partiko Android

@travelling-two, thank you for the answer. Good luck on Wednesday in the interview.

Thank you very much @cryptospa 😊

Posted using Partiko Android

@travelling-two, thank you for the answer. Good luck on Wednesday in the interview.

Posted using Partiko Android

wow! I can see why you want to be there. Best of luck. I think you can find work. Check linkedin and wallpaper your resume over there.